I got the 1308 coil fitted up
Put the HT 5 back on and pulled the cord.
Its a different saw with the 1308
Its as easy to start as my 044 now. I have blood blisters on my hand from the mongrel limited coil biting me.
The 1308's retarded start got it started quick and easy, and it kicked up with a nice slow idle that built and settled to smooth and nice.
It was on dark and my neighbors have little kids so I have a no saws after dark rule.
I gave it a quick rev with the H screw all the way in and it definitely ran much faster than it did with the limited coil.
Will check tunability and RPM tomorrow arvo and will also give the HT 12 a run, see what it can do. I like the idea of a separate jet for the idle circuit on the 12