I just got the 572XP, I haven't had the chance to run it yet. Lost all my pro saws (and home) in the wildfire a couple months ago so along with finding an MS361 for $300 on CL with little use and grabbing this new 572
on the sale I'm back in business to address the burned out trees on my property. Insurance company sent an arborist from Idaho to value the lost timber on my property on Monday, reimbursing me per tree up to a limit.
My lot is only 1.33 acre but some serious large timber on it.
I just watched a Youtube video of some loggers in Asia (Korea I believe) all the subtitles, etc are in a foreign language but they are doing some really good comparison cuts with the MS462 vs 572XP. Just wanted to mention that here in case it had't been linked on this topic. I can find it again if there is interest and see if I can post it.
I had just watched Guillaume's great video in the 70cc Echo topic of the 7310 vs 572 vs ported 7900...this other
video came up next.