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What's your favorite 70cc saw?


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4:23 PM
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Apr 21, 2018
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The 475/2077/2083/505 make peak power at a lower RPM range than the 371/372/2071/2171. They have dual bottom-fed transfer ports whereas the 372/2171 have the bottom-fed quad ports. What's funny is they have bottom-fed transfers but came with windowed pistons more suited to through-fed transfers. I'm gonna build a 475 this winter and I might try a slab-sided or solid piston and see if loses spool-up or top end speed. As far as the published specs, I think they make a little more power than what was advertised. I think if you ran a 475 next to a 372 in 20" wood with the same bar and chain, there wouldn't be much difference in cut times. The 372 might edge it out just a hair. Go up to 30" wood and the reverse would likely be true.
t hat is weird that its windowed piston. Keep me posted on ur build! Ull prob get to urs before me anyways. Id be happy if its considered a torquey Oe saw. How is the compression on these saw stock? This thing is stupid rite now. With out a BnC there is hardly enough weight to throw(not drop)start it and get it to turn over without stopping on the first cycle. Its got to be over 200psi or it has a timing issue


Mastermind Approved!
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Dec 30, 2015
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Brewster, NY
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I've had the original Stihl 044, Stihl 460, Stihl 064, 066 and 661 a woods ported Husky 372xpw. The xpw was very impressive light and powerful. I didn't care for husky ergos so I sold it after a few years. My favorite 70cc is this one. View attachment 268647 Reminds of the 064 narrow and light. And torque is awesome. And it eats wood big time love the chips in this pic.View attachment 268648

Ditto, welcome to the nuthouse, hope you enjoy it!

You should have had some of those Stihls ported. Usually, 660s respond very well (the factory port timing is all over the place, so maybe you get a good one, maybe not). It also seems like they are getting good gains out of the 500i, although I don not have one of those.

However, I am very impressed with my 2 ported 462s, very good power to weight, very fast and smooth, great run time, etc, etc.


Hillbilly grinder
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Dec 28, 2015
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I've had the original Stihl 044, Stihl 460, Stihl 064, 066 and 661 a woods ported Husky 372xpw. The xpw was very impressive light and powerful. I didn't care for husky ergos so I sold it after a few years. My favorite 70cc is this one. View attachment 268647 Reminds of the 064 narrow and light. And torque is awesome. And it eats wood big time love the chips in this pic.View attachment 268648

Long time no see there buddy.


O.P.E.f.o.r.u.m. Mutt
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Apr 1, 2016
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Huh? I didn't say anything disparaging about anyone who voted for either platform.

I didn't go there. I don't hate anyone, whether they vote similar to me or not.

But since you went there, I will respond. I took an oath to support and defend the constitution of the United States, against all enemies, both foreign and domestic. Socialism is voluntary Communism and is therefore diametrically opposed to the ideals set forth in said constitution.

The political "divide" in this country is because a certain segment of the country wants to force their viewpoint on everyone else. I am of the opinion that we all be free to do whatever we want as long as we are not endangering our fellow man.

I didn't create the divide, I didn't throw molotov cocktails at police, I didn't burn down buildings for perceived racial injustices, I didn't harass innocent people eating in a restaurant who believe different than I do, I didn't sucker punch elderly folks walking down the sidewalk, I didn't try to take over a city to establish my own Communist utopia, I didn't block traffic on interstates and main thoroughfares to impede normal everyday folks and soccer moms to intimidate them, I didn't pull people out of their cars and give them a beatdown, I didn't brandish firearms against innocent civilians.

I did none of the things that have driven the wedge deeper, but I will not be painted into a corner because I made a disparaging comment about the biggest idiot to make it to White House since Jimmy Carter.

I respect you Randy. I think you're a stand up guy. This is your house, therefore I will follow your rules.

My apologies to the forum for the political tangent.
Just read this but...this is one of the best responses ever on any forum. Thanks for your service sir.


Roadbuilder Extraordinaire
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5:23 PM
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Dec 28, 2020
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Lou, KY
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Ooh ooh ooh I’ll add my $.02.
I mostly run stock saws, but I ran a Tree Sling’r 372XPW that would take one of hjs MS460s lunch, it was awesome.

Honorable mentions: 372XP OE, 372XPW, 044/MS 440, MS 441, 046/MS 460. I haven’t run a modern 70cc saw that was a real clunker.
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