Best memory I have with the 870 was showing up to a sporting clay shoot that was put on by my employer. We got put into groups of 4 to walk the course; I was paired with another machinist and two of our salesmen. One salesman had a beautiful higher grade Browning Citori, and the other a Kolar (if you don't know Kolar shotguns, think of the money you would spend on a Citori and quadruple it.) Both salesmen were upset that they had to shoot with "the poors" as the one put it, as my fellow machinist had an older Ithaca semi-auto and I had my trusty 870 Express. As we were waiting to get on the course they did nothing but talk about their shotguns and how much better they were in every aspect, and that we should really upgrade for "next years event." Citori guy was beginning to irritate me.