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So what did you do today?

Bill G

Here For The Long Haul!
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Mar 14, 2017
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Yeah, not even legal in Europe.
Nor any true call for something like that other than showing off.

Looks cool though. :cool:
They were cool in the 1980's but have fallen out of fashion now. There are still some around but not many . Back in the late 1980's my brother had a truck very similar to that one. It was a 1984 Ranger with 44 inch tires. It was strictly a show truck. You had to put the small tires on to haul it. Once at the show you had to swap tires. He traveled around the midwest with it and won some of the 4 Wheel and Off Road Jamborees. He had feature articles in both 4 Wheel and Off Road and Four Wheeling magazines. I think he made the cover on at least one. He kept the 4 cyl 2.3L in it and it would pull the truck around decent. Then one winter it was time to swap to a 5.0 V-8. Well that was an adventure. The engine went in fine but configuring the transmission and transfer case was a mess. It never got finished. He hauled that truck around to shows and no one realized it would not move. I looked good but never moved.

I took the 4 cyl and put it in a 1988 IMCA open wheel stock car chassis. We had a 4 cyl class back then for the open wheels. It was nothing like the 4 cyl class today that consists of junk. We ran tube chassis, stubbed, open wheels. It was a ton of fun. I ended up selling that engine to a stadium track racer for his Ranger. This was back in the days when we had the TNN network that on Friday nights would broadcast races. Sonny was running at a indoor arena in Des Moines Iowa and my wife and I were watching it on TV. He won the first round easily. I looked at my wife and said "look there is my engine". Well my joy was short lived. He came out for the finals and as he was coming off a jump ....poof smoke..... My dear wife looks at me and says..."great engine eh?"


Flabs of Stihl
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Got the sweet corn planted and the last 25 acres of grain corn planted with the 4 row. The planter tractor had transmission issues and I didn’t want to push it any farther so we finished with this beast lol

Bill G

Here For The Long Haul!
Yearly GoldMember
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Mar 14, 2017
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Got the sweet corn planted and the last 25 acres of grain corn planted with the 4 row. The planter tractor had transmission issues and I didn’t want to push it any farther so we finished with this beast lol
View attachment 420065
Are you able to get Roundup sweetcorn?

Bill G

Here For The Long Haul!
Yearly GoldMember
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Mar 14, 2017
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Fully traited RoundUp Ready goodness !!! Two bags of Revision, Two Bags of Quick Trip and five bags of Remedy. Around an acre total. Should be good eating this fall !!
View attachment 420069
I forgot you were a seed dealer. It is tough to get in small amounts


Flabs of Stihl
Yearly GoldMember
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Jan 26, 2024
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Central Mn
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I forgot you were a seed dealer. It is tough to get in small amounts
I have an unopened 2.5k bag of Remedy I can send your way if interested.

I do sell seed but it’s easier for me to get sweet corn from Harris Seeds online than it is to order it though my channels. I have to order a full 80k bag and I have no need for 3 acres of sweet corn lol

Al Smith

Here For The Long Haul!
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1:16 PM
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Jan 14, 2016
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I did get the "crops " planted .Two raised bed gardens .A dozen tomatoes .early girl,better beefsteak and better boy . 40 some feet of tenderette green beans and 4 hills of straight eight cucumbers grown on trellisis .
I remember as a boy weeding 100 feet rows of beans times 6 or 8 rows .A 100 foot row to an 11 year old might as well have been a mile .As far as tomatoes no state in the USA has better than Ohio and Indiana ,northern portions .Campbels at one time had thousands of acres growing back when migrant workers by the thousands came for the harvest .Back then some of the local groceries carried many items to make the Mexican foods .Fine by me I just love Tex-Mex style as well as Louisiana Cajun .I might add genuine Mexican to me is not all that good but Tex-Mex makes a world of difference .It does take a tad bit of barley pop to go well .


Pinnacle OPE Member
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we have a few things in the ground. not as much as i would like to have growing. we have just enough to have some home grown treats.

Al Smith

Here For The Long Haul!
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1:16 PM
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Jan 14, 2016
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A little history .NW Ohio and eastern northern Indiana at one time was the great black swamp Someting like a million acres .Drained in the late 1800's ,some of richest farm land in the USA along with the great Sicoto marsh to the east . I live 3 miles south of the swamp and used to live as a boy 8 miles from the great marsh .These areas will grow produce unmatched nearly any where in North America .However these days much of that is no longer practiced mostly due to lack of field workers .I might add the black swamp at one time had the largest white oak trees on the planet .Very few of those eastern giants still remain . Mine are considered large but not by those standards .

Bill G

Here For The Long Haul!
Yearly GoldMember
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12:16 PM
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Mar 14, 2017
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I did get the "crops " planted .Two raised bed gardens .A dozen tomatoes .early girl,better beefsteak and better boy . 40 some feet of tenderette green beans and 4 hills of straight eight cucumbers grown on trellisis .
I remember as a boy weeding 100 feet rows of beans times 6 or 8 rows .A 100 foot row to an 11 year old might as well have been a mile .As far as tomatoes no state in the USA has better than Ohio and Indiana ,northern portions .Campbels at one time had thousands of acres growing back when migrant workers by the thousands came for the harvest .Back then some of the local groceries carried many items to make the Mexican foods .Fine by me I just love Tex-Mex style as well as Louisiana Cajun .I might add genuine Mexican to me is not all that good but Tex-Mex makes a world of difference .It does take a tad bit of barley pop to go well .
Are you sure that was Campbell's? I have a feeling you are thinking Heinz. They operated and still do, as far as I know, a plant in Fremont Ohio. Up until the end of the 1991 growing season they contracted growers for tomatoes. The kicker was political pressure of the 1980's forced them to require all growers go to machine harvest in about 1984. They had and still have a plant across the river. We were contract growers for 65 years. During the 1960's my father was the head of tomato operations at the plant.

Al Smith

Here For The Long Haul!
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1:16 PM
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Jan 14, 2016
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North western Ohio
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I'm pretty certain it was Campbells in or near Napolian Ohio .I'm not sure exactly what happened with the pickers except they all but dissapered . Fremont Ohio used to be the center of the universe for cabbage related stuff like sauerkruat .McGuffy and Alger Ohio once raised the most onions in the world.That top soil was once 8 feet thick from draining the great Scioto Marsh . They had to use crawler tractors because a wheel tractor would sink like a stone in the" muck " The onions went the way of the passenger pigeons with only a few of the drying sheds still standing .As a boy I was four miles away .Those two areas,the black swamp plus the great marsh still grow produce but not like years ago .For that matter they also grew sugar beets .I'd imagine it's just corn and soy beans these days .Those northern fields look like Iowa at harvest time .

Al Smith

Here For The Long Haul!
Local time
1:16 PM
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Jan 14, 2016
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North western Ohio
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As a boy I remember the onion harvest mainly done by woman and kids using hand sheep shears to cut the tops off after they had been plowed out of the rows to dry .They had some men to tote the hampers full onions of which they got paid by the hamper full and it was heavy .I could smell those onions four miles away if the wind was right .The onions evetually were transfered to wooden boxes that held I think about a bushel full for the drying sheds .Fact I've got a couple I think at my shop but they aren't full of onions ,just junk .