ink cartridges are to expensive. somebody tell me why they cost so much and last so little time.
Welcome to the ink's of life.

lol. Supply and demand.
The ink itself is dirt cheap, the recent batch I got was about 20Euro shipped from Germany, I bet I could have gotten it cheaper from China but I didn't wanna chance it getting spilled.
The batch consists of 4 250ml containers containing black, cyan, magenta and yellow ink.
I usually refill my ink jet cartridges, problem is sometimes something goes wrong and the printer claims the cartridge being damaged, or the cartridge itself won't function as intended.
When that happens I am left with no choice but to purchase a new cartridge.
Against my better judgement I purchased two NOS OEM cartridges off eBay last year, neither works.
On Sunday I ordered a re-manufactured cartridge and received it today - I have yet to instal it.
Retail an OEM cartridge would cost me 4x the price of a remanufactured one, successfully refilling a spent cartridge costs me like 1/100th of an OEM cartridge - kinda makes One think.
I have an old printer, it features high volume cartridges, each holds 45ml and they can last me 12+ months.
The issue is that the print heads tend to plug from drying ink when unused, also big temperature variations cause leakage.
My biggest success was an OEM color cartridge that I successfully refilled 12 times, I saved a boatload of cash on that one cartridge.
Modern printers are rigged, their cartridges hold a ridiculously low volume of ink (I have seen claimed volumes as low as 4.5ml), many cartridges incorporate a chip that renders the same unusable once removed from the printer (unless You purchase a chip resetting kit).
All the new printers are "throwaway" printers, replacing their cartridges with OEM ones costs as much or more than a new printer does.
Unless it dies on me, I will not retire my old printer as long as I am able to source re-manufactured cartridges!