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One more shootout discussion: 288xp vs 390xp


Super OPE Member
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I've run a few stock 288's and was looking for one for a long time ended up getting a ported 390 from mdavlee that is awesome also have a ported 395 and in anything 32 and less would def take the 390 for weight over the 395 but never had the chance to run a well ported 288. The 395 with 42-50 def is stronger.


Here For The Long Haul!
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Feb 8, 2016
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Ulster County, NY
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The 288 is the nostalgic favorite, is the more rugged saw and will take more punishment than the 390. But the bottom fed quad transfers on the 385/390 give it the edge in power. And like has been stated before, the AV really isn't close between the two.
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Here For The Long Haul!
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Feb 8, 2016
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Ulster County, NY
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That's it in a nutshell Bob. Love my 288 but the 3 series improvements on the equivalent 2 series makes them some of the best huskies ever built IMHO.

Oh yeah, I completely agree. But that statement is probably going to trigger an interesting debate. :)

To some degree I'd even extend that argument to the 357/359 replacing the 262/257 chassis. Not as much on the power side, but it's closer than most people think. And then you add in those other 3 series improvements and you can make a case for the newer saws. I know you have a 357, and I think you did some work on it, so you understand what I'm getting at. I built a 2156 with some of my basic mods and it runs real sweet. My 262 will likely still beat it on a stop watch, but for me the 2156 is a little nicer saw to work with.

Stump Shot

Disciple of Monkey's
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I think you may need to re-check your parts availability on the 288 @Dolmar Junkie as I believe everything but the Hi top filter set up is A. @Spike60 would know for sure and give ya the straight skinny. ;)

No doubt the newer stuff is better, it's just the older stuff ain't that bad either. Kind of like guys that use a cane pole over a rod and reel, or hunt with archery or muzzleloader over a rifle, or drive an old car or truck.
Reminds me of the one fellas reason to me for not wanting a faster saw, he would just let the saw fall through the cut and said "He wouldn't get as long a break between cuts with a faster saw". So I guess it's all in how a person looks at things from their own unique perspectives.

Speaking of 257's I hope to have my hands on one soon, a very nice one at that. Look forward to see how it runs. I hear good things. :)


Here For The Long Haul!
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4:48 PM
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Feb 8, 2016
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Ulster County, NY
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Alright, Alright Already, you guys are going to convince me to get rid of my 288's, Lord knows I am tired of the three letters associated with them,


No, no, no. I'm not getting rid of mine; they are still a special saw.

Parts availability is fairly on the 288's and 272's since they are still making them down in Brazil. The rest of the 2 series saws are another story and not a happy one. What 288 parts are you having trouble getting?


Pinnacle OPE Member
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Jan 4, 2016
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Central Wisconsin
Alright, Alright Already, you guys are going to convince me to get rid of my 288's, Lord knows I am tired of the three letters associated with them,


I wouldn't say to get rid of your 288's. One thing you can do with your 288 I play with the av setup. Try it with springs, with the rubber, try it with springs and rubberor hell try it with missing some if the av mounts. @Spike60 would know but I believe there was also a hard and soft rubber mounts available for them. I think @mdavlee was playing with the mount setups to get a more "modern" feel out of them. It also depends what bar you are going to be running on it also. You dont want to soft of a setup with a long bar.

Dolmar Junkie

Not interested in rehab, just more Saws...
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Apr 5, 2017
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N.Central Arkansas
No, no, no. I'm not getting rid of mine; they are still a special saw.

Parts availability is fairly on the 288's and 272's since they are still making them down in Brazil. The rest of the 2 series saws are another story and not a happy one. What 288 parts are you having trouble getting?
Not really having a problem with majority of what I need, but stumpy was right it was the high top and related parts, I called you about maybe a year ago hoping you could work miracles,you did let me down easy so as not to damage my frail sensibilities :oops:
I had a cracked top and figured I would replace with what I wanted!
While you're here, tell me wether or not the rest of the body panels and fuel tank are still available? I do love my 288's
and with parts availability may just spring for a powder coating so they look as good as they run...
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Dolmar Junkie

Not interested in rehab, just more Saws...
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3:48 PM
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Apr 5, 2017
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N.Central Arkansas
I wouldn't say to get rid of your 288's. One thing you can do with your 288 I play with the av setup. Try it with springs, with the rubber, try it with springs and rubberor hell try it with missing some if the av mounts. @Spike60 would know but I believe there was also a hard and soft rubber mounts available for them. I think @mdavlee was playing with the mount setups to get a more "modern" feel out of them. It also depends what bar you are going to be running on it also. You dont want to soft of a setup with a long bar.
I am already somewhat stuck in the 70's, I don't mind the feel of the stock AV. I don't have one currently but I even prefer a Ridgid frame motorcycle, so much that it wouldn't take much for me to trade my modern fuel injected bike for one! Only thing I would miss is the 6speed...