Pinnacle OPE Member

yeah I had to do R&D for two, almost 3 years to get the 660's where I liked , not sure I have the energy or desire to do that again. The 372's were a bit of a disappointment, especially those g372xp, and xt's. Fun for light use but I had hoped they actually might be able to handle real work and therefore be a low cost option to a light 372 class pro felling saw when blended and built. Nope. If those AM 372 style cases would hold up I would have continued. After a trend of 372 style AM crank failures and 372 based AM cases with their bearing pocket opening up, prolly because the metal is either too soft or too porous, I had to move on. Back to OEM Husqvarna 562 HTSS's for that role. Having Said that, I love the OEM and therefore the FT 660 as a platform and the results with the Farmertec clones were worth the efforts. If I add to the "AM" saw time it will be with the 880. Kind of like that big thing. Real focus now is getting wood out before winter sets in so I just have very little shop time.So no 288 clone for you?
I have 3 288s already but they just sit mostly I run 266s anymore.
Note: the edits to add more info to the different saws, saw parts etc.

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