Pinnacle OPE Member

He wasn't saying your buying of equipment was self centered. He was saying that not recognizing that someone isn't at the stage where they can buy those things is self centered.
There was a point in your life where you didn't have all the equipment you had now. You had to work with what you had until you felt it was necessary to buy a certain piece of equipment.
That's where I am. I am "making do" with a CSM and no heavy machinery. If there comes a point where it is logical, financially possible, and reasonable to spend $1000s on new or used equipment, I will.
Now, please: can we end this debate?
Are you really 25 years old like your profile says? If you are, you are the most mature 25 year old I think I have ever talked to. Who ever raised you did a good job, I'm sure the good Lord had a hand in it too. I wish we did live closer, I think we would get along great.