High Quality Chainsaw Bars Husqvarna Toys Hockfire Saws

Welding save of a cracked 064 case


Shop rat, backyard slice cutter.
Local time
8:21 PM
User ID
Jan 12, 2016
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Iowa City
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That’s a shít-ton of Ar. I’m much cheaper and go 10 on Al and 8 on steel with a #8 lens. You really feel that 35 is necessary for Mg?

I usually use 65-75% EN on Aluminum, depending on how clean it is and how many amps I need. What settings do you like for Mg?

Have you ever played around with pulse on Mg?

I also use 2% lanthanated for everything except when going side-ball (the pure W trick you taught me).

More flow seems to help with porosity. 35 is nothing with a #12, it's standard practice for stainless or titanium.

I've messed around with the cleaning action... sometimes mg likes it... sometimes it makes everything explode with holes.

Lanthanated works well. Oh the tricks you can do with the pure tungsten... did you know you can bend it if you heat it? Knock a side off an old cup and you can weld around corners.