Swapped to a bigger carb,changed lower unit oil and put in a new water impeller on my little mercury outboard. Now to wait and see when I can get it on the water and test it to see if we gained anything. @Stevetheboatguy helped me out with parts,dang good guy to deal with if yall ever need any outboard motor parts.
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Yes sir, I had to adjust the idle some to fire it up in my tub of water, other than that all seems goodDon't forget your little orange screwdriver when you fire it up. Prob going to have to adjust the low speed mix and idle speed. If you made it this far I'm sure you have it covered[emoji106]
Pics or it didn’t happen [emoji2957]
Sent from Hoskey hilltop
Didn’t wanna drag the thing out of the shed. But I did get a pic
View attachment 257201
Watching youtube videos and learning from my grandfather (retired mechanic),So where did you learn all this at such a young age
Sent from Hoskey hilltop
Nice spot Mike how many acres do you have?
50 Acres on top of a mountain overlooking the Cannonsville Reservoir. Got it in 1985 for 300/acre. It is 2 mi in on a 4wd road and is not zoned for year round use (they don't plow or deliver mail, and don't have to respond if there is a fire, etc.)
At first we just drove in an hunted, then I built a tent platform and we hunted from the tent. Very cold and scary (when the wind blew and trees were coming down), but we survived it.
Then a prefabbed a 12 X 20 cabin in my driveway, and 3 of us put it together in a 3 day WE. It was warm + dry but cramped (sometimes we had 5).
The current cabin is 20 X 24 and 2 stories high, and is post and beam from 6.5" Ash that all blew down and I milled with the chainsaw. Much, much more room and we are comfortable sleeping 7.
50 Acres on top of a mountain overlooking the Cannonsville Reservoir. Got it in 1985 for 300/acre. It is 2 mi in on a 4wd road and is not zoned for year round use (they don't plow or deliver mail, and don't have to respond if there is a fire, etc.)
At first we just drove in an hunted, then I built a tent platform and we hunted from the tent. Very cold and scary (when the wind blew and trees were coming down), but we survived it.
Then a prefabbed a 12 X 20 cabin in my driveway, and 3 of us put it together in a 3 day WE. It was warm + dry but cramped (sometimes we had 5).
The current cabin is 20 X 24 and 2 stories high, and is post and beam from 6.5" Ash that all blew down and I milled with the chainsaw. Much, much more room and we are comfortable sleeping 7.
I can bet that dirt isnt that cheap now!
It was even considered ridiculously cheap back then, which is why I jumped on it. The Timber Co was selling the whole mountain because the Gypsy Moths killed most of their Sugar Maple trees, and they were able to sell the NY land and buy cheaper land in PA w/o the damaged trees.
The whole 2,200 acres was all 50+ acre parcels, perfect for hunting. I was sick and tired of repeatedly loosing permission to hunt in places because either it was sold or the owner passed. Back then, few places in NY allowed rifle hunting (it has since changed).