Went to Home Depot and Lowes today to get some things for a house we're remodeling. Mostly normal there. Then we went to Aldi to get a few grocery items. The store was devoid of meat, bread and of course toilet paper. I didn't check for eggs but they did have a good supply of milk. It seems like the "hoarding" is still going on but to a lesser extent. We took inventory and determined that we could go until Christmas with the toilet paper supply we have and we didn't purchase any since the virus scare. This is assuming we don't have any Airbnb guests and as of now, all three of our spaces have zero bookings for the next 6 months. That's going to hurt financially. The biggest question for us is how many of our tenants are going to pay rent? It's really important since about 90% of our income depends on that. We just spent our cash reserves purchasing two new to us properties. Our belt is already pretty snug but we'll winch that sucker down as tight as we need to until this goes away...