Bad storm came thru my town last night, Pauls Valley, OK. Had 102mph straight line winds. Obviously, trees are down all over the town and the county.
I had a few big ones down on my place but I knew others had it worse, so I hooked the front-end loader up behind the Duramax, loaded the saws, and headed down the road. I was shocked that people couldn't understand why someone would do that for free. A few didn't believe me when I told them I would cut their downed trees up and pile them at the road so the city/county could pick them up. Well hell, I couldn't go to work as power was out there as well. Might as well get some trigger time on the saws.
I am smoked but it felt good to do something good for people who didn't have the means or equipment to make it happen.
The scalpers almost ruined it for me though. Out of state plates, Texas mostly, equipment loaded down and handing out business cards and outlandish quotes. Like a bunch of damn vultures. Shoulda been thrown in a chipper...