I pulled the saw out this weekend and took out the carb, I was right, I had smashed the gasket between the carb and intake gasket and blocked the impulse. I replaced the gasket and the saw still would not start, no fuel to the carb. I pressure tested the fuel line from the tank side, no leak, tested the fuel filter and got bubbles out of it. I tested the fuel line side that connected to the carb and again no leak....wait, what??? I took a flashlight and looked between the tank and the chassis and saw that the fuel line was all twisted up (not sure how I did that!). I pull out enough screws to separate the tank and chassis to get the fuel line untwisted, got it all back together and the saw fired up and ran. I found that the idle adjustment screw didn't reach the carb, but that was due to the chassis hole being impacted with dirt, with it all cleaned out it is now working properly too.
I did find that my chain adjuster isn't working, it appears that the adjuster pawl does not match the screw as it just slide's over the threads. I am wondering if I am also missing a e-clip or something because when I adjust the screw, it just unscrews from the socket. The little plastic part that holds it in place, just works itself down the threads.
But, big thing is that it is running, I am very happy with that!!!