I'm running a very early 54mm ft piston and cylinder on mine and it seems inline with the performance I expected from it but I still have the original piston and cylinder (needs a little clean up) and a very early KS marked ft 56mm cylinder that I haven't run yet.
Finding oem parts that I'm willing to put some time into might be a little over stated, there's a couple guys on the forum that snatch up parts pretty quickly and good for them but if its a hobby both the frequency and cost of oem parts can make it difficult to build an oem saw, when I finished with my build I shipped out the spare parts I had to a member here thats had ads up for months with no luck on oem parts.
I think once you have a large stash of desired parts trading and swapping for oem becomes a little bit easier, but for hobbyists starting out those parts are unobtainuim.
My saw was found with a bad pto bearing and a broken case corner, the case havles listed on the internet were stripped of every possible part ,filthy, and looked like the had a very productive life as in bottoms worn thin and no paint left ,but that didnt deter the sellers from demanding a premium price , not really ideal.