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Anybody else satisfied with stock chainsaws?


Well-Known OPE Member
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Northborough, MA
That's good to hear that it's been a good saw so far. I'm going to a town that has a couple saw dealers this weekend. I may just have to give one a try. My poor old ms230 just doesn't quite cut it for a farm saw anymore.

Oh man, if you're comparing the 550XP to a MS230...watch out! The 550XP will put a smile on your face for sure.


Genuine smartass
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Yea I'm sure. I wasn't ever impressed by the 230 but I didn't expect a lot out of it either. But it is ignorant to start and struggles a lot with what I need it for. But the price was more than right when I bought it.


Pinnacle OPE Member
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Quite a few of the saws I run are completely stock, some have muffler mods, some I've done some grinding on (minor) but I don't have full blown ported saws. For what I do, they meet my needs. Someday.... I may do a bit more to them for play but right now my life is too busy to invest the kind of time into chainsaws that I would like.

Backyard Lumberjack

Quite a few of the saws I run are completely stock, some have muffler mods, some I've done some grinding on (minor) but I don't have full blown ported saws. For what I do, they meet my needs. Someday.... I may do a bit more to them for play but right now my life is too busy to invest the kind of time into chainsaws that I would like.

> I may do a bit more to them for play but right now my life is too busy to invest the kind of time into chainsaws that I would like

can relate. no doubt playing with chainsaws takes time. lots. gunna play, too... even more. but what the heck!?? fun is fun. I don't quantify or qualify... merely asses... is this fun or not? am I having fun or not? so far it's all... and little else, but fun! fun matters! saws, wood, firewood, fires... all fun! hot rod saws! fun is fun. who'd a thot... I been in Hot Rod Magazine at least several times... but I never thot of a hot rod saw... but, [knock on wood] pun intended... with some luck, I just mite end up with one. I am sure my other saws will welcome it into the fold with open arms... :) hopefully, so will OPE, too... after all gents...

fun matters! ;)
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Here For The Long Haul!
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2/3 of my saws are stock. My cutting is split about 50/50 running stock vs modded saws. Building and running modded saws injects a whole lot of fun into the hobby and the work we do with the saws. And I don't think there's anything wrong in admitting that simply adding some fun to the equation is the main reason we do it. Having fun is why we are all here on this site. But stock saws can pretty much do whatever a modded saw can do. Sometimes you just don't want the extra noise of a modded saw at the jobsite.

Many times that extra power is indeed nice to have on tap. But I think it's a stretch to say that it's important or really necessary for what most of us do with saws, which is cut firewood. There is so much else to the firewood process that it's hard to argue that a saw getting through the log 2 seconds faster has any benefit other than making us smile a little bit more. :) Pro guys, maybe a little different. For some, that extra power can mean a better, more productive day in the woods.

For me it's not "either/or". I enjoy both stock and modded saws.


Yep I am your neighborhood coffee man
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I know that it makes me sounds boring,

And it could get me ostracized on a fan site like this.

But it's an election year, so a good time for all opinions to be heard.

Anybody else satisfied with stock chainsaws? Happy if they start and run the way that STIHL or Husqvarna (or other) engineers intended them to? I never heard of 'modded' saws until frequenting sites like this. And a few have been fun to try at GTG's. But I have had plenty of frustration with saws that wold not start, or were dirty, or poorly maintained. So give me a clean, well maintained saw that starts, runs, and has a sharp chain, and I am probably going to be a happy camper.

(flame on)

I am very happy with my Dolmar, 6100. From the power to the easy starting to the fuel economy to the exhaust tone, I wouldn't want to compromise any of those to increase another.
My still 192 has a muffler mod and I am happy with it.

jacob j.

Lord of Cargo Pants
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Nah, stock small carb, but the muffler is opened up. I consider a muffler mod still stock. How they should had been in the first place....

I'm actually happy with a lot of Husqvarnas stock with a razor-sharp square-ground chain. The modern Stihls always seem too choked down. A stock 361 is just a joke, regardless of how short the bar is.

Tor R

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I've had 3 stock that impressed me, Stihl MS200, Husky 242, JRed 2253.
I've had 2 who was a huge dissapointment, MS201 and MS261, the first one I gave away, the second one I exchange for 346 projects......i just dont like turtles, so they had to leave


Here For The Long Haul!
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Feb 7, 2016
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I have always been fine with a Ms 361 and a Ms 260 i have as stock. There both 2008 yr and haven't seen that much use. For a 42 cc saw the 024 av i also have runs strong ,but that one is near new condition and feels it too.
That Ms 361 is a pleasure to use in its own right …Smoooooth and revy as standard, one of Stihl's corkers .
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GFY Certified!
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The Cascades
I know that it makes me sounds boring,

And it could get me ostracized on a fan site like this.

But it's an election year, so a good time for all opinions to be heard.

Anybody else satisfied with stock chainsaws? Happy if they start and run the way that STIHL or Husqvarna (or other) engineers intended them to? I never heard of 'modded' saws until frequenting sites like this. And a few have been fun to try at GTG's. But I have had plenty of frustration with saws that wold not start, or were dirty, or poorly maintained. So give me a clean, well maintained saw that starts, runs, and has a sharp chain, and I am probably going to be a happy camper.

(flame on)


No flame from me on this issue. Good post. I have come full circle from stock to woods ported to race and back to stock/lightly modded (to intended design specs, or at least tolerable specs). Engineers have to compromise on stock designs that have to meet strict requirements for EPA, longevity, AV, style, sales appeal, marketability, reliability, competition, durability, usability, price, etc. etc. Modders do not have to deal with most of that. Also in terms of modifications, and the extremes modders seem to be taking them to these days, the reliability is likely to decrease, noise levels are likely to increase, and longevity will most certainly suffer.

Most modifications increase power by increasing revs, increasing torque, or both. Simple physics: power = torque x revs. More torque is usually created by increasing compression and that results in more heat. More heat in a 2 stroke is generally a bad thing and can lead to premature engine failure. More piston downforce and resulting crank torque puts more strain on bearings, rods, cranks, and clutches, and that all leads to more and faster wear. More torque and/or higher revs also comes from port modification and increasing the amount of fuel per change. This lowers saw economy and also increases heat, and the increased revs and torque results in more strain on parts. Itty bitty 026 bearings and clutches do not have the design capacity to deal with large increases in power, but that is what those saws parts have to do when people crank the compression to 250 PSI (a 40% increase in compression? -from stock 175 PSI-).

Now the flip side to that are EPA certified and choked up saws that have to pass emission and noise level standards. They tend to lean saws out to the limit to pass EPA, and that tends to lead to saw overheating. They also choke up mufflers to reduce noise levels which also reduces power. So that aspect of stock production saws becomes counter productive for longevity and performance. So with newer EPA saws, it is often times better IMO to open the mufflers up a tad to get better air flow and defeat the limiters to run them richer. With those modifications you are likely to get back to the original 'intended' stock design power of the saws. For examples of this, compare the stock US Stihl MS290 and MS361 to the Euro MS290 and MS361 specs, and the Euro saws have about 5% more stock power (mainly from having more open mufflers). Opening up EPA mufflers ~mildly~ will likely reduce heat and actually increase the longevity of the top end. My 361 all have their limiters removed and are run a tad rich. One is mildly ported, one has just a StihlBilly muffler mod, and one is 'stock' for cutting firewood in the burbs.
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Pinnacle OPE Member
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Dec 20, 2015
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I leave all mine pretty much stock except for a 40:1 mix (VS the 50:1 recommended) and maybe a small muffler mod to open it up a bit .
My feelings pretty much what Windthrown says .
I do have 1 and only 1 ported saw and that's a 346XP just for fun and to say I do have one ported saw in case someone asks :D
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Apprentice Slacker
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Feb 19, 2016
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I would say I was just busting your balls, but I'm sure your sore enough. I just got my 460 back from Randy for those that are wondering what's going on. Great guy to deal with by the way. Can't wait to try it out.
If it is anything like the 460 @Mastermind did for me you will EXTREMELY happy