So, I did some comparisons of the old 046 to newer 046/460s, and learned a thing or 3.
First off, the old 046 Muffler has a very large 5/8" hole and NO BAFFLE, I did not realize that! The new muffs have a baffle and only a 5/16" hole, the area of the hole is night + day different, see the pics.
The comparison of the Mahle Hemi (H) and D jug led to some surprises (to me) also. Unfortunately, my pics do not show it clearly, but the squish band on the D jug is very thick, while the squish band on the H jug is very thin. So, never mind the shape, if you do not machine the jug, the D s/b more efficient.
However, the distance from the base to the squish band is 3/16" greater on the D jug than on the H jug, so the D jug is likely more compatible with a base gasket delete if you do not do any machining.
The ports all seem about the same in size + quality except for the intake. The sides of the D jug intake are flatter, but the H jug intake is wider (on the inside). However, on the outside, the H jug looks like the hole is not centered! Very disappointing for OEM.
When measuring from the base, the opening of the intake and the upper transfers seem to be about identical, but as Brad called it, the Exhaust on the H jug is higher (numerically lower). In measuring from the base, I get 1 + 27/32 for the H jug, and 1 + 3/4 for the D jug.
Unfortunately, a lot of my pics don't show what I was trying to show, but I'll post the ones that do.