At this point I would say avoid the Hyway as both jugs and pistons I have received from them are not serviceable in stock form. So far in my research the Farmertec stuff is better than the Hyway.
That's odd I have found Hyway (and heard
only anecdotes that confirmed this) that Hyway > F.Tec any day, I have a hyway pop-up 56mm arriving Sat so can do a direct-compare (already have a 54mm and that thing
smoked the 4 f.tec pistons I had on-hand! Same for the jug, from port edges & lack of imperfections to clean squish band & chamber, f.tec jugs are only for those looking to spend time w/ the dremel!!
If you really want one of these saws to perform. Get an oem top end for it. Have that top end ported by a pro.
But I actually enjoy this, on a personal/passion amount of dissuasion, however strong or continued, is going to change that..
Also I'd argue the OEM top-ends are unnecessarily expensive especially if a pro is going to be re-working the whole thing, I'd only go OEM if doing true "plug&play" but I get that many porters won't touch non-OEM's.
Thanks Re the Husq piston not working out-- to your knowledge is there ANY 56mm piston that'd fit here besides the ones from the kits? I still think their obstacles can be overcome, but a better piston would make it easier!!
(if you know
none,let me at least offer that Wiseco makes a 56mm for the 660 that's got skirting so wide you could go 70% on the exhasut port width, and cut your intake skirt wherever you want it, and set your exhaust skirt where you want too ---
On that note, what's the recommended "Distance-til-Freeport"?? My build is so close to freeport, and the exhaust so close to exposing piston skirt sides, that I can't tell which of those 2 faux pas are causing it to spit fuel like crazy through the muff!!)
Thankfully my $30 got me
two of these kits, and I have a 56mm Hyway pop-up, so am going to do a gentler build that focuses on at least 10thou per side of skirting on the exhaust and at least 15thou from freeport(unless I learn that that's not enough, at which point I'd need to run a 2nd gasket and give-up the idea of having a flat squish band lol!!) Knew I should've held-back when I found myself knowing I was near freeport, but still squishing high 20's, so "just went to low 20's" and can't get a perfect measure for freeport (unsure how) but am sure there's
some :/
I had the Hyway big bore kit on my 660 clone. Made good power but drank fuel like crazy. Switched to a Cross MMWS kit and made slightly better power and uses less fuel.
I wish I'd understood what the MMWS kits were before buying my 54mm's I would've gotten them (MM I know you recomended them but they didn't come w/ pop-up's from my seller, and I didn't know it had
your porting...thankfully that bad 54mm jug I have still gives me a real nice example of how you like your uppers (or how you approached the intake/exhaust/deck height/etc on the saw-- though I'm surprised you don't seem to touch the piston, maybe that isn't considered kosher for that kind of build though? I'm finding that piston porting&polishing is a hugely neglected area, blows my mind to see so much clunky, non-aerodynamic casting leftovers (from true seams to the general shaping of piston-windows) being untouched in "an engine porting", am having trouble getting my brain to "leave out"the piston as part of 'full job' (does the average porter tend to do work to
some pistons? On the 660 those windows have to feed your transfer circuit so IMO you may as well flow them large enough to ensure no bottlenecking of the lowers or the tunnels to the uppers, nevermind that doing so reduces reciprocating mass of piston and increases aerodynamics and increases displacement of the bottom-end which is especially sought in the big-bore case (I can get an easy ~4-5cc's I think, from the lowers/piston/upper crankcase lip, but am left unable how to cleanly get a few more CC's to truly re-balance OEM spec top//bottom displacement balance (if anything we want to increase relative
bottom end displacement, not top end, right?)
They did great on the upper transfers...
I am by no means an expert on saws but with the the MMWS kit with gasket delete advanced timing and modified muffler i am happy with it.
If the mmws comes pre-machined as it sounds like, then it should be pretty darn boss plug& much did you shave from the key for timing advance? I currently have 10thou off mine on the big-bore build (with 25" chain and 8 pin sprocket) but have several more keys to test...
What'd you do for muffler? I'd love to see some really good muff-mod comparison videos, I think they would show that the average muff-mod is taken too-far, Jennings' book says that for muffler outlet-pipes (which I think is analogous to our "muffler exit port") is an area that, when too large, you get great gains dialing-in by tightening it, however when you go too-tight you don't start losing power at even remotely the same rate (this makes sense to me now, after having done my 2511t's exhaust system, sure it's better now - probably eats 1/5th more fuel, too -but that was strong OEM and the muffler outlet must be 1/3rd the size of a dime, it is hilarious, and if you saw the exhaust port, flanging & muffler internals it's even more hilariously choked-up...I think we're over-doing our mufflers at our own peril, the cylinder sucks charge from the muff right after BDC and we're mixing atmosphere with charge on so many of these 'high flow mods' :/
What about transfer tunnel size and curve? Is it the right shape & big enough on the big bore?
The problem with a longer skirt on a big bore is it won't fit the case. The piston will hit the case before the bottom of the stroke. Really the bottom of the port needs to be higher to stop the free porting.
Luckily, you should be able to do some grinding on the case to let the piston skirt down in there, and not have to worry too much about magnesium shavings ruining the cylinder, just keep the bearings clean. A recent test by Red97 showed even large amounts of magnesium swarf won't noticeably hurt the top end, so I'm less shy about grinding on crank cases now, and I'm the kind that doesn't want a single spec of dirt or fuzz in the engine as I assemble it.
That's really cool to hear Re cases, though I'm pretty OCD there -- I actually did the exhaust port flange on my 2511t w/o unmounting the jug, no need because exhasut port was like >2" deep and thus very very easy to properly "pack & seal" for the work, and then light & care allowed confidence in 100.0% cleanup (same for muffler, becvause there's a baffle wall inside there you have to open-up!)
Re 660's...I ordered the big bore
because I had to port my case, the casting was crap so my thinking was "oh this is gonna fit a 56mm now!" and I check & see they're $30 shipped so I it's a fun game seeing if I can make one work (work well, I mean the one I just built that is putting out charge from the muffler, it's not so bad that it's staying home, it's coming to a job Thur so I can push it a lil, and presumably by then or over the weekend I can finish this 2nd 56mm jug and the htyway pop up for it (got the 2nd one for free when I complained about the ring-of-death, 200thou unplated tops in these jugs, can only run bottom piston rings!)
Do you happen to have any pics of your work on 660 cases? It'd be massively appreciated!!
(Oh re transfers on 56mm setups, the transfer tunnels come deeper already (thinner walls though, like less aluminum behind the plating in-between lower & upper windows), and I don't have a right-angle grinder, but even the stock window-shape can be made to flow WAY more if you make the tunnel feeding it way larger, as well as making the uppers' roofs recessed further-back, it makes it so the charge's path is both wider & cleaner-flowing

Not even close. Quite a lot of machine work needed.
I know I asked already but that 056 piston does look like it'd be good, has anyone ruled that one out yet? Because they're all 56mm bore, I can just deduce the rest of the measurements based off pictures, and the 056
looks good but I don't wanna buy something to test it (if I know it fits, then I'm happy to buy it and alter it as necessary, but it's gotta fit that connecting rod or it's gonna be beyond me!)