Farmchuck is your 262 for sale? Post a picture. I thought you were talking about a firewood saw, not fastest cutting saw. Really don't get it, one saw is 0.5-1.5 seconds faster in the cut and turns other saw into junk. Square file vs round ground, bought a loop of Stihl skip square ground and ran it against Oregon full round ground. I know, not exactly the same, but Oregon was faster in the cut. Ran them on my Miller 390 24" Cannon bar, so what, cutting firewood conditions are not always perfect, what does 0.5-1.5 seconds matter? Have a Masterminded 562 and is it a lot faster cutting 4-16 inch firewood, not really, but does it pull 20 inch bar buried in oak better. No question about it, enjoy the hell out of that saw. Liked my 562 before Randy massaged it and like it more now. But just cut firewood and not racing. Now, I will shut up and just read.