Yep, them variables will mess with you out in the woods. Screwdrivers, files, dot dot dot…$100 tach, free screwdriver, not knowing how to tune, priceless….I agree and disagree. It's nice not having to mess with tuning, right up until the saw starts to act up and you know ten seconds with a screwdriver would fix, but now have to take her in to see if it threw any codes.
I love me some variables.Yep, them variables will mess with you out in the woods. Screwdrivers, files, dot dot dot…
Round down and race the 66cc saws…I like Cake!
Found a 68cc/24" does that include me in the 70cc club?
View attachment 314803
Always do.[emoji3059]I call bs, but dulac ya want…
I think people should feel sorry for me, I dont own a 70cc saw.![]()
Nah round down and compare yourself to the smaller 60cc saws. It’s only fair right? LolI like Cake!
Found a 68cc/24" does that include me in the 70cc club?
View attachment 314803
The third one just came to me the other week from a tree guy ... blown spark plug threads. It is the only model saw that has come to me with that problem!
I'm not saying someone did not over tighten the plug, but I'm sure they do the same to all their saws!
They do run very nicely, especially when ported.
I live in western colorado and regularly cut in the 8,000' - 10,000' range. I don't own any A/T or M/T saws but I always assumed that they would have enough adjustment range to tune at these elevations. Does this apply to stock saws only? Have you run modified A/T M/T saws at high elevations?