Trailer is stripped, sourcing papers as it very hard to register without.
View attachment 27549
lol! I helped build a car hauler out of one of those once, plus a bunch of scavenged sand mining plates.
Oh man, those were the days. Don't think I did a single weld, or much of anything else on that while cold sober.
Was just a bunch of junk scrounged by this one nutty old man, and me and a friend helped him to fabricate it.
Not sure if it was just one of those *s-words and giggles things, or just so all the junk, and the crazy old fart, would
all go away. The old guy, he'd pretty well lost ALL his marbles at the time. About the most he could do was to paint
the wheel hubs, which he did like 5-6 times. But, he had money to burn for parts, tools, materials, beers, pizzas, etc.