High Quality Chainsaw Bars Husqvarna Toys Hockfire Saws

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  • Hey tj. I recently bought a pile of saw parts. Theres some nos stihl parts. A few pistons, a crank and some small parts. All part numbers are gone. How can i tell what they fit? I'm a husky guy so i have no idea what they fit. I can get pics this weekend. Thanks for any help.
    TJ the Chainsaw Mechanic
    TJ the Chainsaw Mechanic
    Hi there! If you could get me some good pictures that would be awesome. On Some of the parts there should be 4 numbers....something like 1130 or 1127 or 1129 ect....that will help with the series of saw. Other parts may have a full part number but Stihl was known for putting random numbers on parts that didn't even match.
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