Hows about this 661 build Randy ?I'd like to talk about the MS661 sir.
Very interested actually.
I didnt ask about anything old or outdated ..........
I asked about transfer shape in the Redbull 661, are the roofs still splayed or flat ?
Do they open at the same time ?
A one word answer to each of those questions would put a smile on my ugly mug !!
I am going for flat and 118/120flat
Hows about this 661 build Randy ?
Did you even out the transferr roofs or maintain their slope upward as the move to their outside edges ?
Do your primary and secondary transferrs open at the same time ?
Stihl changed their RS.. Or so I've been told.yes it is.
Aahhh...that's what they said the last time they changed it, and the time before that, and the time before that. hype. if you believe it to be faster then it will be, in your mind.