Ok fellers, wobble box blew up again on our NH 472. 4 years ago the nut came off and damaged the shaft where the outer bearing rides. Was able to clean it up and rethread the stub and new bearings/seals. Sunday the outer bearing shattered and the shaft is done. The machines has some other things needed done to it as well. Really thinking heavy on replacing it.
My limiting factor is 45 pto HP. Fil is dead set on a mower conditioner. The 472 is perfect for us as we only do 20 acres a year twice. Our fields are clean and may break a tooth every other year so sickle bars are just fine.
Real question is you guys that just use disc cutters. How does your crop turn out without conditioning? We have a 4 basket Tedder and can usually go from cut to bale in 2 days if temps and sun are right with the 472.