View attachment 300627
Now THAT’S an arm roast...
6 lbs of glorious beef..
Larry was a good steer.. I made sure to sprinkle him weekly with pesticide and roundup so I could make more money before eating him..
Sounds like you have it figured out.When I went to feed the chickens this morning one of my pullets had bruised and swollen wattles with some bruising on her face. According the Merk vet manual and other veterinary sources the pullet probably has fowl cholera. The mobile vet was already called to come see our alpacas, but not sure when he will be here, allegedly sometime this week. Have any of you encountered this? We had a couple of other sick hens this spring, but they ended up having some kind of cancer and lacked bone marrow (at least in their femurs). I isolated the pullet after finding her this morning and she finally ate a little bit today, maybe an oz of scratch and grower pellets.
It’s from roundup and pesticide use...When I went to feed the chickens this morning one of my pullets had bruised and swollen wattles with some bruising on her face. According the Merk vet manual and other veterinary sources the pullet probably has fowl cholera. The mobile vet was already called to come see our alpacas, but not sure when he will be here, allegedly sometime this week. Have any of you encountered this? We had a couple of other sick hens this spring, but they ended up having some kind of cancer and lacked bone marrow (at least in their femurs). I isolated the pullet after finding her this morning and she finally ate a little bit today, maybe an oz of scratch and grower pellets.
It’s from roundup and pesticide use...
You should sue someone...
Low hangin’ fruit...
It’s ok...Not bad I hope, finished up the first cutting a few minutes ago. Sorry I forgot the pics.