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Testing Saws In The Summer


Here For The Long Haul!
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1:42 AM
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Feb 8, 2016
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Blossvale NY
I hate ticks! Earlier this summer the county I reside in tested a sample of ticks and found that 50% tested positive for Lyme disease... And then there is that other neural disease that is incurable and only takes a tick as little as 15 minutes to transmit it, Powasson I think it is called. Thankfully occurrences of that disease are pretty sparse compared to Lyme disease, but health officials in my state expect that number to rise with the booming tick population here.

We never had a tick problem in this are when I was growing up in the 80's. My siblings and I were outside every day in summer seldom with nothing more than shorts on for clothes. We never once even saw a tick, let alone found one embedded in our skin. In the last few years I have found them crawling on me dozens of times, and twice had them embedded. Rotten little bastards!


Muh fingers look really big
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1:42 AM
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Dec 31, 2015
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East Jordan, MI
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I hate ticks! Earlier this summer the county I reside in tested a sample of ticks and found that 50% tested positive for Lyme disease... And then there is that other neural disease that is incurable and only takes a tick as little as 15 minutes to transmit it, Powasson I think it is called. Thankfully occurrences of that disease are pretty sparse compared to Lyme disease, but health officials in my state expect that number to rise with the booming tick population here.

We never had a tick problem in this are when I was growing up in the 80's. My siblings and I were outside every day in summer seldom with nothing more than shorts on for clothes. We never once even saw a tick, let alone found one embedded in our skin. In the last few years I have found them crawling on me dozens of times, and twice had them embedded. Rotten little bastards!
Probably the Russians ;)

Dolmar Junkie

Not interested in rehab, just more Saws...
Local time
12:42 AM
User ID
Apr 5, 2017
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N.Central Arkansas
And it's going to be another mild winter. How do I know you may ask, because I have all my firewood cut and stacked. We only have a bad winter if I'm not ready for it.
Somebody swipe this guy's woodpile so we can all get a little seasonal relief come November, he can have it back middle of January as long as we've had several good freezes by then...


Pinnacle OPE Member
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1:42 AM
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Dec 31, 2015
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I test saws here,

P1030028 (Small).JPG

Has any one looked in to this from what I have heard it work well here is a link.

I hate ticks,
I used that same product a few months back helping cut a ditch bank off. Qt size was only good for 2 changes of clothes but it got me through that job.
Other guy that was cutting with me had ticks on him every day, I didn't have a one.

I bought the industrial strength (36.8%) later and mix 2-3 oz/ gal of water and soak clothes in it, wring out and let dry. Good for 6 or so washings.


Local time
12:42 AM
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Jan 21, 2016
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Iv only had a couple on me through out the years.

If i go to bush in the summer i wher pants, pull my socks over my pant legs so they cant craw in and also where a light long sleeve shirt tucked into my pants.
What do you guys do to help prevent them dam ticks?

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When you bathe, use Irish spring bar soap. The original green one. The ticks cant stand the scent.

Dolmar Junkie

Not interested in rehab, just more Saws...
Local time
12:42 AM
User ID
Apr 5, 2017
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N.Central Arkansas
Yep.......we got those. And rattlesnakes too.
Normally we just have to deal with the Copperheads , but my 15yr. old Will brought me a nice fat 4' rattle snake he collected 50'-60' from one of my sheds. I told him it tastes like chicken,so now it's in one of our freezers. He did get a nice skin out of the deal and I feel better with one less thing to worry about with a 6yr.old running around...

Dolmar Junkie

Not interested in rehab, just more Saws...
Local time
12:42 AM
User ID
Apr 5, 2017
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N.Central Arkansas
I don't mind the rattle snakes they let you know to get the *f-word back. I chopped a copper head in half with an axe once. Part witha head kept coming for me.
I'm the opposite, I see so many Copperheads they don't bother me, their not very aggressive generally you can tell not to move while you get the Shovel and they'll wait on you. I see so many that I got tired of going for the Shovel and just started giving em a quick stomp on the head. I felt bad first few years in Arkansas, I was killing so many that I called game and fish and asked if anyone would take them for research or antivenin that I would catch and deliver them. They said kill em or take em down the road away from children and release. The only thing that I worry about with Copperheads is somebody reaching under a log or flipping a big rock. My dogs get bit and all it takes is a benadryl and their fine.
My neighbor got bit in the foot (flip-flop brain surgeon) and didn't even take a benadryl, probably didn't even wash it...


What’s my line?
Local time
1:42 AM
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Feb 27, 2016
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I make weed killer that works great on poison ivy and oak, Trichlorpyr is what it's called. It's in all sorts of woody brush killers found at the stores. Not instant but within days it's a goner.

Permethrin is a very good chemical to coat yourself and clothing with before heading to the brush. Then have your wife, or really any lady friend look you over for ticks when you're done. Nice part is you'll be naked which is a handy way to set the mood.
As they say, A woman can run faster with her skirt up than a man can with his pants down. Nakedness levels the playing field!

Dolmar Junkie

Not interested in rehab, just more Saws...
Local time
12:42 AM
User ID
Apr 5, 2017
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N.Central Arkansas
Lymes Disease changes a guy..........makes me hate going in the woods in hot weather. Yes.......I am scared of ticks. lol

Anyone else here hate hot weather and the ticks, chiggers, and stuff that comes with it?
I went to the doctor today and had blood drawn to run a bunch of tick titers , primarily cause of good possibility that I have Lyme disease , have ignored the symptoms due to the fact that I have already been diagnosed with alpha Gal https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4600073/
Which means that I go into anaphylactic shock, my blood pressure bottoms out to the point of not even registering on our electronic cuff, and become violently ill stuff coming from most every orifice. And then the ambulance gets to come and collect me.
I avoid the lone star tick like the plague. But a bite from one and consumption of mammalian meat can trigger a delayed reaction (by a couple hours, not instant like peanut allergy) So a tick and a steak could easily kill me,and on multiple occasions felt like it was going to (seriously) The first time or two it happened I tried to blame it on my wife claiming poor food handling (realistically I knew that wasn't possible) I thought it was food poisoning,then I decided that the butcher we use was trying to kill me. Finally got diagnosed. Generally,being a delayed response it happens after my kids are in bed several hours after supper so they haven't had to experience the full blown party . But the last time was a little earlier, and they saw it and unfortunately probably thought they were watching their father die! I'm generally not conscious enough to remember a lot, but I remember when I hit the floor and my wife was telling my oldest son to help me get to the couch, that he was just about to hit the floor also and probably went into mild shock because Im sure it does appear that I am dieing !
The first responders that night still tell me that story when I see them in town, mainly because their equipment wasn't reading my vitals either . So I keep a couple Epi pens and Phenagren on hand!
But on a lighter note, if you have problems with biting itching insects, chiggers,skeeters,ticks or just itchy skin try ChiggerX
Satisfaction guaranteed or your money back...

Dolmar Junkie

Not interested in rehab, just more Saws...
Local time
12:42 AM
User ID
Apr 5, 2017
Reaction score
N.Central Arkansas
I make weed killer that works great on poison ivy and oak, Trichlorpyr is what it's called. It's in all sorts of woody brush killers found at the stores. Not instant but within days it's a goner.

Permethrin is a very good chemical to coat yourself and clothing with before heading to the brush. Then have your wife, or really any lady friend look you over for ticks when you're done. Nice part is you'll be naked which is a handy way to set the mood.
As they say, A woman can run faster with her skirt up than a man can with his pants down. Nakedness levels the playing field!
I like how you Roll, Roy! #RoythestreakSlade
I use permethrin liberally, I opened the wrong valve on my electric sprayer once and sprayed a large quantity in my face and mouth. I figured it was all over, but called poison control anyway and had to tell em that I probably mixed it beyond what the label says. I think they thought it was humorous,but told me that I would be fine other than some mild irritation.
Needless to say, I was mildly irritated that they thought it was funny...