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So what did you do today?


Here For The Long Haul!
Local time
2:30 AM
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Jun 25, 2016
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Grand Rapids Mi
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The cars seem better, the other thing I noticed a lot of people do Is, reset the mpg computer when driving on the freeway, and they call that there “freeway mpg” that’s not a true average mpg Even freeway! But that say I am getting 21 hwy mpg, well the aren’t, sometimes the computer is way off, and some people mistate there mpg, but it makes other people think there are getting horrible mpg...they are too sometimes! Lol
The first Honda hybrid...the computer was saying they were getting 52....really was 38, they had some legal hassle from that...
They call them lie-o-meters for a reason lol.
I'd have to argue with you on the 1st Honda hybrid milage gauge being off :).
Sure wish I was getting this fuel economy today :(.
Shipped a saw and put up a bunch of fencing, at least it was in the shade.
Screen Shot 2018-07-10 at 3.29.20 AM.png


Here long time
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2:30 AM
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Dec 24, 2015
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This WE 5 of us worked like dogs, both days doing a 20' X 24' concrete floor in my hunting cabin. Just the logistics of getting all the materials up the Mtn on the 2 mi 4WD rd was a nightmare. We used 8 tons of 1/2" gravel, almost 300 gal of water, and 6 skids (252 80lb bags) of concrete.

We did the gravel, vapor barrier, 2" insulation, wire and pecks (if we ever decide to use it) on Sat, and the Concrete on Sunday, plus a trench for drainage.

We had captured 200 gal of water in barrels from the gutters, but it was not enough, had to take my Escape (no room for a truck) with the cargo basket 3/4 of a mi up an old skidding road to a swamp where we pumped water with a sump pump into buckets. Luckily, we got about 100 + gal in three trips, cause we were afraid to make a 4th trip, the ruts were getting so deep we were about to turtle the vehicle.

We had a mixer, but I could see it would not be enough, so while my brother did the trench with the Excavator, and my friend Harold, my Nephew Mechacnic Matt, and my Grand Nephew mixed with the mixer, and floated, etc, I mixed in the wheelbarrow. Could only do 1 bag for every 2 they did, but that is a 33% increase, and we started before 7am and did not finish the concrete till after 4 pm, then clean up and pack up and a 3 hour trip home.

Sat was a lot of work, but Sun we were up at 6am and I did not get home (no dinner yet) till 9:30pm. It was a long WE! But, we got it done! Also, the little excavator had to be driven separately up and down the mtn.

Now, the missing paint near the removed door frame, the Porky's climbed the door frame and started chewing. I think I'm going to have to put metal around the door frame when I put it back (it is just boarded over for now).

In the 1st pic is my brother, my Nephew (Mechanic Matt), my friend Harold, and my Grand Nephew Derek (21). Me, Harold and my brother are all mid 60s (within 2 years total), but we kept going pretty well, but the two younger guys worked so hard and continuously that Harold told me if he had them working with him, he could re do NYC in a week!

We had to put a moisture barrier in the floor because we were getting black mold on the inside of the roof. I was wondering why the new cabin got black mold and the old one never did, and I think I discovered the answer. We patched a small square of the roof in the old cabin with the same snow guard under the shingles as the new cabin has, and that square of the roof now also has black mold. I think the snow guard is just so effective it does not let the roof breathe.

Sat, after dark, we did get to relax a bit, and plan strategy for the next day, by a nice fire.

Sounds like one unforgettable endeavor. Not easily done, or forgotten. A thing of beauty and a joy forever.

PA Dan

Mastermind Approved!
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2:30 AM
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Dec 28, 2015
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White Oak PA
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Well I didn't get to work on chainsaws today i had to work on a LG washer for my wife. Lol. I guess if I can fix saws and build fast cars I can fix a washing machine. :SimpHomer:
It wasnt the UE code part you fixed was it? If so when can you stop over? Lol!


The Peanut Gallery
Local time
2:30 AM
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Jan 1, 2016
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Warren Center, PA
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It wasnt the UE code part you fixed was it? If so when can you stop over? Lol!
We constantly have that issue too Dan. My wife hates that washer but it's the only one we've had with a strong enough pump to actually pump the tub dry.

Best thing I've found to help the UE code is to level the tub/drum not the washer if that makes sense. Ours is sitting on concrete in the basement so I know it isn't a floor problem.

PA Dan

Mastermind Approved!
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2:30 AM
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Dec 28, 2015
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White Oak PA
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Same here...! I can use it and wash two loads and no issue. My wife or daughters use it and bam uneven load! I have leveled the dang thing so much I keep two levels on the side of the cabinet above it. Tell me how you level the drum.



Here For The Long Haul!
Local time
2:30 AM
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Jun 25, 2016
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Grand Rapids Mi
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After seeing these washer machine problems yall are having I need to head out and by some spare parts for my 20year old whirlpool that is still doing a dam fine job.
I paid 100 for the last one I bought 3 years ago, and 50 for the one I got 15 yrs before that and I've never made a repair, that's my kind of deals.
Oh forgot to say I never leveled it either :p.


Mastermind Approved!
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2:30 AM
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Dec 30, 2015
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Brewster, NY
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I few years ago my wife complains the fairly new dryer has stopped working. So I call my brother, he is pretty good at knowing what is wrong with almost anything (he is a PE). He says to check the vent, it is most likely plugged with lint.

So I pull the dryer out from the wall, kneel on the floor, and loosen the vent tube and work it off. As soon as I get it off I look down the vent for lint and I jump a country mile, there are a set of eyes looking at me. I just really wasn't expecting that! Seems that when we let the dogs out in the back yard they chased a rabbit, and the rabbit dove into the vent tube for cover, and could not get out. I tried lifting that vent tube over my head, etc, but that rabbit would not back up.

Finally, had my wife get the fish net, put it over the vent, and let the rabbit come out forward, then I brought it outside and let it go, and put some good wire over the outside of the vent.

My wife had tried to run that dryer for 1/2 hour twice with that poor rabbit in there, and it was just fine. But I teased her quite a bit about trying to slow cook rabbit with the dryer!


I'm here for the sick'n twisted company
Yearly GoldMember
Local time
8:30 AM
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Apr 28, 2016
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Nice work.
Did you get some video.
Yes I did, HD camera on tripod for two cuts of the large log!
But my upload speed is ridiculously low therefore I have to compress the video files before uploading them to YouTube - too time consuming, will not do that today (past 9PM in Croatia and I am working the morning shift).

MG porting

Pinnacle OPE Member
Local time
11:30 PM
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Jun 28, 2018
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Yea got two more that got dropped off for me to fix. Lol. It's that time of year again.


Here For The Long Haul!
Local time
2:30 AM
User ID
Jun 25, 2016
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Grand Rapids Mi
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I need to replace the primer bulb on the top handled echo in this picture. It's the inlaws saw, I start it pretty much every time we are there and I'm in the barn because it never gets used unless it's by me, ran a tank thru the old beast pruning and taking this one down(or sort of down lol) until I saw the bulb leak. The last time I was there my BIL told me I needed to bring my saw down because it doesn't run right, I got it out yesterday and primed it, pulled the choke and the 4th pull she fired, 5th pull with the choke off and she was running; yes I'm sure there was a problem with the saw, the operator.

Screen Shot 2018-07-12 at 2.10.28 PM.png

MG porting

Pinnacle OPE Member
Local time
11:30 PM
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Jun 28, 2018
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I need to replace the primer bulb on the top handled echo in this picture. It's the inlaws saw, I start it pretty much every time we are there and I'm in the barn because it never gets used unless it's by me, ran a tank thru the old beast pruning and taking this one down(or sort of down lol) until I saw the bulb leak. The last time I was there my BIL told me I needed to bring my saw down because it doesn't run right, I got it out yesterday and primed it, pulled the choke and the 4th pull she fired, 5th pull with the choke off and she was running; yes I'm sure there was a problem with the saw, the operator.

View attachment 132532
That's the norm sometimes. Lol.


Tactical Chainsaw Operator
Local time
2:30 AM
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Apr 22, 2018
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Central New Yorkistan
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So I stopped in at a gas station today to grab a fresh fountain soda, you know to get some diabetes. I realized when I was walking in that there was a lady at one of the pumps filling up while she was smoking a cigarette.

Minding my own business I continued in and notice two cops in the store shooting the crap with the clerk, drinking coffee and holding the counter down. I grabbed my soda and started to pay and saw the lady that was smoking the cig's arm was on fire....full fledge on fire. She was waving it around frantically trying to put it out, obviously making it worse.

The cops noticed what was going on at the same time I did. They ran outside to help her. They both threw their coffee's on her arm, then took her to the ground and did stop drop and roll. When they put her arm out they got her up and put handcuffs on her.

I was a little confused. As I walked by I asked one of the cops, why'd you put her in cuff's? He said for waving a firearm in public!



Here For The Long Haul!
Local time
2:30 AM
User ID
Jun 25, 2016
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Grand Rapids Mi
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So I stopped in at a gas station today to grab a fresh fountain soda, you know to get some diabetes. I realized when I was walking in that there was a lady at one of the pumps filling up while she was smoking a cigarette.

Minding my own business I continued in and notice two cops in the store shooting the crap with the clerk, drinking coffee and holding the counter down. I grabbed my soda and started to pay and saw the lady that was smoking the cig's arm was on fire....full fledge on fire. She was waving it around frantically trying to put it out, obviously making it worse.

The cops noticed what was going on at the same time I did. They ran outside to help her. They both threw their coffee's on her arm, then took her to the ground and did stop drop and roll. When they put her arm out they got her up and put handcuffs on her.

I was a little confused. As I walked by I asked one of the cops, why'd you put her in cuff's? He said for waving a firearm in public!

Had me :pancarta:.
Some of my own medicine:beer-toast1:.


Mastermind Approved!
Local time
2:30 AM
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Dec 30, 2015
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Brewster, NY
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Milled 4 more Black Oak boards, in the hot, hot sun … really zapped me, but I got it done! I also thought rolling the log down off the pile w/o any injuries or loosing control of it was quite an accomplishment. Move this piece, but not that one, kinda like a jig saw puzzle with no room for mistakes. You don't want to loose control of one of those things, they can hurt ya! Makes life interesting! Was just me, my saws, and the Timberjack.


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