Well, two things made it on and off my bench today, but nothin was easy!
First, a MS 461 comes in to me. Saw will start & idle, but won't take the fuel. Figure it has to be tune up or carb. Start with a full tune up, NG. So, even though the fuel looks good, dumped & replaced, still NG. So I see evidence that the carb was rebuilt by the same place that rebuilt that 660 carb, and that saw fell on it's face also. So I figure I know what the problem is, lever is too high.
Rip carb apart, check lever, it is perfect! Some dirt in the carb, clean it out and reinstall, still NG ... AAAAHHHHHGGGG!!!!
Swap carb with a 460! Did you know that a 461 has a different carb & control lever??? So now I got to swap the control lever to get the choke to work ... still NNNNGGGG!!!!!!!
So I figure it must be the vent, and I know I purchased extras, WTF are they???? Finally find them, and it is not it!!!!
Then I swap the coil with a 460, and wallah ... All if OK!!!!
But now I feel obligated to make the 461 a 461 again, so the original carb and control lever go back on!
(Hey, now I know why my one 460 would not activate the choke till I modded it. I thought it was an AM control lever, no, just a 461 on a 460!)
So then I look at the 201-T that has been apart and in a box for over a month cause the clutch drum is back ordered. So I call a few shops, and I finally find one that has the drum in stock. It is 20 min each way, and they charge more, but WTF, they have it, so I do it. I'm in the process of installing it, and the local shop calls me to let me know that Stihl has shipped the drum!!!! Had to tell them, sorry, too late!!!!
But I got both saws done, so I felt OK!