Was at the local Stihl shop getting a part and while I was there they handed the other fella in the shop this Echo and told him it was stuffed and he would be better off buying a new saw as it wasn't worth fixing.
I bailed him up in the carpark and offered to fix it for him.
He dropped it in my truck and we exchanged business cards.
He told me it has never run right and after a couple expensive trips to a couple local shops, it still wouldn't work.
Said it would run and just cut out mid cut, or would not idle properly.
Then it died completely and that's where I ended up with it.
He took it to 2 shops to see if it was fixable.
One charged him $30 to look at it and told him $600
The other charged him $44 to look at it and told him to buy a new saw.
Piston was scored up at exhaust port but the rest of it was like new so I figured it had been run lean and got hot.
A bit of cylinder porn. Quads that are located noticeably closer to the intake side.
I ordered a new piston from USA and when i checked it, the ring pins had been put on the wrong side.
This meant that part of the lower transfer port was blocked by the piston window. You can see they extend further towards the intake port (left) but the new piston was back to front.
I ground the intake side window out about 2 or 3mm so that it would feed the lowers properly.
I also found it had almost .060 squish with a gasket so it got a gasket delete to drop this to .040 and it ended up with 150psi
Got it all back together and it refused to run properly. It was either a bad air leak or bad fuel delivery.
The carb had been cleaned and rebuilt so I added some motoseal between the carb and the intake boot as it looked like it may not provide a good seal being very thin at the edges.
Off she went!
Runs like a new one!
Just need to cut some wood and get it nice and hot to fine tune it and make sure it is all good.
Its going to cost old mate $150 for my repair all up so he should be happy with that.