The deal on the pressure washer is I live in the woods 600 feet off the road .100 foot oak trees that block off a lot of the sun .A couple thousand square feet of Berea white sandstone patios ,steps ,side walks .The damned moss grows on it in places .It really looks nice if it's water blasted about every two years but it takes about 2 days to do it .This is the year .Then I have to rake stone grit in the cracks because it all gets blasted out .So I'm nearly out of that stuff and need to order a small truck load which would be 8-10 tons . It's always something .
The washer has been dependable but the pulsajet carb about drives me bonkers .It will get to surging at times .governor going back and forth .I suspect some gunk got in the gas .Partial choke for a short time clears it up .I'm going to dump some Stabil in it and see what that does .