When I first built the house in '85 the static level of my well was 100', now it is between 500 and 550.
I guess that is what happens when hundreds of former Summer Homes are rebuilt as year round homes.
The zoning has changed from 1/3 acre to 2 acres (to support well and septic), but the change occurred way too late.
I was fortunate to be able to buy the lot behind me at a tax sale, so I have 2/3 of an acre. Gives me some room for a garden and to play with my wood.
In most other areas of NY they don't like to go that deep as you will hit contaminants like sulfur, but not around here. One of the local drillers told me they are now often going down to 1,600' to find water. The trouble is, when one person goes deeper, others on the same vein often go dry.
Neighborhoods that have opted to go for Town Water often get stuck paying $4,000-$5,000/year for their water, while we are surrounded by NYC reservoirs that we can not access. It is really quite insane!