Yes it would be, I am a bit carb mad atm, putting bigger venturies on trimmers and playing around with metering springs, tiny drills and JB weld. It becomes a bit addictive when you first hand feel the difference in torque. Randy you often state as philosophy 'I ain't drastically changing anything rather working with what is already there and making it better', that is how I see carb mods. Sure I have had some good results changing out carbs to bigger ones but working with the carb that's factory fitted can net you some big cost effective gains. Good unrestricted carburation leaves more questions in my head than answers cause you start to think 'what if I just.....' to every piece of OPE you own. Its good when you can do it sitting on a couch in front of the TV at night too. The JB weld spills on my wooden coffee table I see as a badge of honor!