Missed that oneYou try the scrench install tip for the eclips someone mentioned?
Curious what it is KeithYou try the scrench install tip for the eclips someone mentioned?
Curious what it is Keith
No fines and stays cleaner than the hd2.Looks similar to mine, how you like that Uni filter? Any fines get through?
I won't run anything but maxflo on most my saws. But since I've got a stack for the 066 I bought a Uni just like yours, just don't have much time on it yet.No fines and stays cleaner than the hd2.
I know @mdavlee mills a lot and uses maxfloWhat do you 66o mill guys use for air cleaners? Mine will be hooked up to one and cutting for a bit and just curious? Mine is all stock, and not sure I know about the HD 1 and 2 and others.....please en-lighting me. Thanks!! I will be using a Haddon lumber maker, Be rolling stock chain, not a ripping chain.