In Georgia, anyone can hunt with a crossbow during the bow season which opens in September. I haven't ever fired one. I have a compound bow that I have taken some deer with but haven't bow hunted for probably 10 years. As far as getting meat, the gun season is plenty long enough to accomplish that purpose. I probably have enough venison now for this season but haven't heard back from one of my sisters that I provide venison for. Spent most of the day yesterday cutting and grinding up the three deer I shot earlier this week. I found bow hunting to be more expensive than gun hunting with the cost of arrows and broadheads. Also, losing deer is a much higher likelyhood as in my experience the arrow doesn't usually knock em flat like a bullet does. It's really hard to track a deer in grass and leaves if you aren't Daniel Boone. In fact, most of the deer I've shot with a bow didn't leave a blood trail at all. ie, I found the deer by spotting the downed deer, no noticeable blood on the ground. I've had that with gunshots too but usually those are short and well marked.