Finally sorted out my VW GTI. She's my daily driver and been having sporadic starting issues for months, which leaves one wondering when they'll be left stranded next. Seriously, that is
NOT a good feeling. Gut check every time you turn the key. Do I get to walk, or ride?
Over the last few days I got a couple "possibilities" out of the way, plus a few needed fixes, including a new driver's side door latch as well as a valve cover gasket, plugs and wires. The latter requires removing the intake manifold and busting open at least two knuckles.
On the test drive I think she's sorted, then she dies - right in front of the house... whoa! This is new!!
Back to searching for an answer and after a couple hours I finally find it. Engine temperature sensor. When they go bad they cause all sorts of whacky hijinks with these engines. Run to the parts store and within 3 minutes of returning we've got it swapped out.
13 bucks!!! Three minutes!!! I've been chasing this down for
months and now she just purrrrrrs like a kitten...