Then I suspect there's something wrong with it. I've run them on quite a lot of saws with no issues getting them fat.2 out on the low and 3 on the high.
It wouldn't run a 372 I had it on.
It's brand new one
The 3 I've tried to use were exactly the same as what you experienced.Only time I've Ran an RWJ was on Mikes Solo. That thing was temperamental and always lean. Even at 2-3 turns out
I Don't know if you've done this before. After drilling the hole you can use a larger bit to bevel it. When doing this I hold the bit very straight by hand and spin it in reverse direction so the cutters don't bite and ruin it. It doesn't take very much at all. To finish it off I'll sharpen a round toothpick to match the shape of the metering pin. Then I chuck it up in the handpiece to high speed polish with it. I use wd-40 type stuff for compound.
There's no going back with this mod. I've ruined one good HD carb doing this and that's because I didn't know what I was doing at first. Those metering seats are made of a softer material and drill bits fly through em with little to no resistance.
One example of a small carb used to pump a higher volume of fuel is on the Poulan Pro 325. Its a 50cc saw with a little itty bitty wt walbro carb on it. The intake and bore of this carb is 15mm, with a tiny venruri. If I have to guess I'll say 10-12mm. But the metering passage is damn near large enough to put my finger through. AND...Lol... it still has a flood limiter under the little brass plug on the side, just like the older big tilly carbs.
I ruined about a dozen wj walboro trying to bore them out.I've got a pile of carbs I've ruined Jim.
If you wanna make an omelet....ya gotta break some eggs.
I ruined about a dozen wj walboro trying to bore them out.
I gave up finally.
My issue is more about running one on a 7900 or old school 372xpYou fellers that are having trouble with the RWJ.........are you pulling the divider?
My issue is more about running one on a 7900 or old school 372xp
In either of those, I wouldn't have a divider. I'd be using it for bore and venturi diameter if it could provide enough fuelAs delivered......or with the divider removed?
I'd guess their piles consist of a good mix of bothAre you referring to boring the throttle bore/barrel or the jets?
In either of those, I wouldn't have a divider. I'd be using it for bore and venturi diameter if it could provide enough fuel