The last 880 I did I went with 78/122/101 with a 084 intake boot and a 361 coil. The saw had small saw throttle response, tuned nicely and pulled like a mule. Squish was set at .025 and I filed .020 off the flywheel key. Obviously the muffler was also modded.
Kinda conservative by some guys but it was going to be a milling/stump saw
I did see your build on the ms880. That is if the one on here is the one you speak about.
Thank you for posting up what you for port timing. The saw looked and sounded like it ran good.
I do have a 084 intake boot for the saw, an unlimited coil is on order, squish is already set for .025. Now just to get the ports where they need to be. I believe my exhaust will end up around 100 due to just cleaning up the roof of the port.
I do not have a 90 attachment so transfer ports will either stay the same or I will relive the piston where the port is to get the same port timing. Right now even with the piston at BDC the transfer Portis not fully opened. So if it's okay to notch/relieve the piston to get the same transfer timing you did, that would also help get the port open at BDC.
On the intake port. If it's not a problem I might not take it as far as you to keep crank pressure up to help with pushing the air through the transfer ports since I will not be able to open them as much as you did. What are your thoughts on that?
How did you determine the amount to take off the key for ignition timing?
Last question for now. Whats a stump saw? Is that another term for a saw used for felling?
Thanks for you expert opinion! I appreciate it a lot!!
That’s exactly where I would build it also for that purpose
Thank you for the added confirmation!
Thanks for the confirmation. Three of yall agreeing, can't be all wrong! LOL
It's amazing just how little grinding it takes to get these things to come alive. I'm doing a mess of a 088 now. Using a new style MS880 case.....and finding the the flywheels seem to have different timing. Just test ran it today....and it wouldn't rev.
Is there another thread in this series that talks about ignition timing?