Awesome thread-series, LOVING it

Have some Q's after reading this thread and may as well hop-on right with the squish-band and combustion-chamber:
Quick Q first:
Decomp valves-- how much compression can be lost from keeping these? Or is it just a worry of the valve eventually failing? In any event I plan to remove mine, it looks as simple as screwing it out & replacing it BUT I hear 2 options, and am actually strongly pondering my own 3rd option:
#1- JB Weld to plug the hole, or 'more professionally':
#2- plugs that are purpose-built for this, to plug the hole, or my thinking:
#3- take the cylinder to hardware store, find a proper fitting plug
that extends-into the chamber when it's fully seated, that way you can actively bump compression by reducing chamber-volume!! Have heard of "TIG a drop of 4130 steel into the chamber", this ^ extended bolt would serve same purpose I think! JB Weld would be used "as Loctite" when putting the plug in, an idea I like EVEN IF the plugging-bolt doesn't actually enter the combust.chamber!
After reading this thread, I'm finding I still don't have a good plan to boost compression in my 590 after having removed the gasket.... IF you're just looking for 2-3 thousandths, is it possible to just do a really good sanding of the cylinder base and the corresponding top of the casing? I'm looking at how rough mine is, after gouging-off that sticky OEM base gasket, and can't help thinking
"a realllly good proper sanding job on both sides IE cylinder base and case's top,would probably be enough to give 1-3 thousandths", would love to hear thoughts on this as I know it is very "hack" but I can't fault the idea

(Is there anything one could buy at a local hardware store -- or a dremel-accessory -- that could be used for doing true/plumb grinding of the cylinder base? Cannot help but think how simple an apparatus it should be, but just too unfamiliar, like I have no clue what the actual gear for any of this CNC stuff looks like, am just using grinders but would totally run to the hardware store if there was a "fixed-in-apparatus" grinder that let me do a cylinder base properly!)
What about regular porting & compression? I've finished the thread (even took notes) and cannot actually correlate any common porting work to compression
except exhaust, where it seems any enlargement will *lower* compression (and torque, but boost RPM usually -- I'm uncertain if compression cares as much about the port's height as it does port-volume or port surface-area..)
Re pop-up piston kits, I see I can swap my 590's "1 ring, domed" piston for a "2 ringed, pop-up" aftermarket piston...
-How much compression would one see from this swap? Would it be entirely due to the changing of domed, to pop-up? Does the 2nd ring add compression, or just help alleviate/spread loading inside the cylinder?
- I've realized my 1.75yrs old 355t's crazy high compression is probably from all the carbon on-top of the piston--- won't this type of buildup effectively make it so all saws are effetctively "lowering squish"(and thus bumping compression) as they're used?
"Volume" in the band? I have to imagine this is in-reference to the concept of carving-into the combustion chamber's perimeter, making a wider (and higher-in-cylinder) squish band?* This is done solely so that one can do
further drops of cylinder, height than they'd otherwise be able to, correct?
[To be clear, squish band work is not possible with "cheap handheld or countertop" gear, but only pro-level CNC stuff, right?]
Does "cutting pop-ups into the piston" come into play here? I'm loving the concept of simply swapping my piston to a pop-up, seems it'll do much of what I need (so far as that part of the engine ie squish-band and compression of chamber), however while I see the aftermarket pop-up pistons and understand how they work, I am still baffled by "cutting" pop-ups
into a piston, cannot even picture (or find pics) of what this could be..
Thanks a ton for any insight into ANY of this, gonna - hopefully - be doing round-2 on my 590 today and still trying to work-out a couple things on how my approach will go (I did not get the pop-up piston kit
yet as I was afraid of my ability to install it, am new to this lol, but am now thinking that if I can't I'll just bring it to the shop and pay them to!)