Not saying I can, costs probably 250-300$ than the echo depending what his veteran discount was, I’m still not saying it’s not a good saw but to compare it to the 362 stock after doing the stuff to it is silly. Stock for stock or both lightly modified not one vs other. Yes the 362 is more money but seems smoother then the Timberwolf when I ran the one, I hear the echo is durable but know the 362 is. Also most echo guys use the 5 year warranty as one of rhe biggest selling points but what good is it if you need to modify to get the power or deal with a saw you don’t like for 5 years before you can make it run how you want. Stock 362 is still better than stock Timberwolf and smoother in my opinion plus you can keep the warranty and yes I know it’s only 2 years with purchase of Stihl ultra oil.