Well-Known OPE Member

I couldn't have said it better.Echo is a good saw and they are cheaper also, doesn’t seem they’re as much cheaper as they were because they have gotten more popular. I actually thought about opening a dealer for them but it’s way to much of an uphill battle to sell them against as you would put it “ the over priced ones” and husky. First thing was there had been echo dealers in the past here and a few of the local loggers that tried them back in that day had poor luck with them. This was also way back in the all metal John Deere era but the few that are still logging wouldn’t buy one again. The tree services that I know up here do run some 2511’s and one guy has a 620 but vast majority want the lightest most powerful saw in that size. Being a saw needs to sell how it is stock for stock echo just wouldn’t, when your on average the heaviest and slowest in stock form 85-90% of the guys don’t care it it’s 3-500$ cheaper because that’s absolutely nothing in the grand scheme of things. If both saws made it 5 years how much did you save over its life per year. Most look for the lightest most powerful in its clsss and will wait one more smaller tree job to have it paid for because saws of any brand are cheap when it comes down to it. They have all gotten cheaper than they were, my uncle bought an 041 in 1981 and he said it was 600$. Convert that to today and see what he paid for a 60cc saw. Glad your all in on echo and there good but you won’t convince very many that it’s a better choice than a comparable Stihl or husky because it’s cheaper because that’s what it has over the others in stock form. This is why I probably won’t try and sell echo after a long time debating it, husky sucks as a company to deal with as a dealer and Stihl & husky both want to have you carry 50,000$ plus in inventory so for a side business it’s just not feasible. Looks like I just have to continue repairing saws and maybe some mods later but have to see on that.