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Let's Talk With Bill G Awhile

Al Smith

Here For The Long Haul!
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Jan 14, 2016
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North western Ohio
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Old chainsaws and old dozers are the way I fly .The only actual modern dozers i've operated in addition to 450 John Deere has been a D5 cat that most likely had twice the power as my old 1940's D4's . At the houseI I keep a 1954 Oliver OC6 which basically is an Oliver super 77 gasser on tracks .I bought it froze up for less than scrap iron prices .I rebuilt that old machine from the tracks up. Only weighs around 9,000 pounds but nearly impossible to stall in first gear half throttle in a heavy push .Same bore and stroke as a '54 Chevy six but only running 1600 RPM . Almost 35 HP to the tracks but it's enough .

Bill G

Here For The Long Haul!
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Mr. Bill this is very respectable.

I know an electrician, plumber, roofer, and an arborist who all are backed up for at least a year. Beyond top notch quality work, they all go part time to give it their best and not overstretch.

You very seldom see this in the trades today.
Looking back I should have stuck with the woodworking business but I knew the stress and time commitment it was going to take to make it work. I had three little boys and I made enough pennies teaching that my wife was able to devote her time to the most important job a woman can have......be a stay at home mother. Now before people start tearing me up on that comment that was not intended to be a slam toward working moms. Add in that I truly loved teaching the young boys and girls it was a no-brainer. Now all three of my sons work in the trades as well as my nephew, niece, and her husband. With the exception of my neice all were students of mine. She works in Agriculture but never took my "shop classes". My wife had her as a student for three years in Chemistry and Physics though.

Stihl Potlicker

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Looking back I should have stuck with the woodworking business but I knew the stress and time commitment it was going to take to make it work. I had three little boys and I made enough pennies teaching that my wife was able to devote her time to the most important job a woman can have......be a stay at home mother. Now before people start tearing me up on that comment that was not intended to be a slam toward working moms. Add in that I truly loved teaching the young boys and girls it was a no-brainer. Now all three of my sons work in the trades as well as my nephew, niece, and her husband. With the exception of my neice all were students of mine. She works in Agriculture but never took my "shop classes". My wife had her as a student for three years in Chemistry and Physics though.
that's awesome, my wife is a domestic engineer too, and homeschools our 4 boys. people think we are ex-military because they use their manners and say yes ma'am and yes and no sir too. Not everyone can have stay at home moms, and it shows in kids too, growing up my wife saw how kids subconsciously resent that they have to go to a babysitter, my MIL babysat 5-6 kids along with taking care of her 4 kids. and the kids would act out when the rents would come pick them up. Not all, but most of them, the rents would be too tired from working/ feel guilty they have to/ want to work and not raise their kids, so they would let the kids walk all over them. the only complaint I would have on @Bill G from what i read, is he don't like snakes LOL. my dad's cousin raised an owl. My mom has pics of me hold up spotted adders/ garden snakes at 3 yrs of age and calling to Vern, and he would come take them out of my hand😃. Now when my FIL and I would ride horses in Lyco county we would pick up rattlesnakes, with sticks and move them off the trail, that was fun too. what for snakes do you kill @Bill G?

Bill G

Here For The Long Haul!
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Mar 14, 2017
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that's awesome, my wife is a domestic engineer too, and homeschools our 4 boys. people think we are ex-military because they use their manners and say yes ma'am and yes and no sir too. Not everyone can have stay at home moms, and it shows in kids too, growing up my wife saw how kids subconsciously resent that they have to go to a babysitter, my MIL babysat 5-6 kids along with taking care of her 4 kids. and the kids would act out when the rents would come pick them up. Not all, but most of them, the rents would be too tired from working/ feel guilty they have to/ want to work and not raise their kids, so they would let the kids walk all over them. the only complaint I would have on @Bill G from what i read, is he don't like snakes LOL. my dad's cousin raised an owl. My mom has pics of me hold up spotted adders/ garden snakes at 3 yrs of age and calling to Vern, and he would come take them out of my hand😃. Now when my FIL and I would ride horses in Lyco county we would pick up rattlesnakes, with sticks and move them off the trail, that was fun too. what for snakes do you kill @Bill G?

I have many things to say regarding that and IN A GOOD WAY! I like to joke around and will comment later. Right now I have a flywheel and crank that need prepped for the machine shop Tuesday.


462’s 4-LIFE
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Looking back I should have stuck with the woodworking business but I knew the stress and time commitment it was going to take to make it work. I had three little boys and I made enough pennies teaching that my wife was able to devote her time to the most important job a woman can have......be a stay at home mother. Now before people start tearing me up on that comment that was not intended to be a slam toward working moms. Add in that I truly loved teaching the young boys and girls it was a no-brainer. Now all three of my sons work in the trades as well as my nephew, niece, and her husband. With the exception of my neice all were students of mine. She works in Agriculture but never took my "shop classes". My wife had her as a student for three years in Chemistry and Physics though.
No digs here - if we could swing it, my wife would quit her career at Mayo and be a stay at home mom in a heartbeat. But she’s the steady source of income and the benefits breadwinner. She’s fortunate enough to stay at home with our boys roughly 3 days a week. I wish I could tell her to quit, but my work is too inconsistent with pay to risk it. Feast or famine with logging…


Flabs of Stihl
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People think we are ex-military because they use their manners and say yes ma'am and yes and no sir too.
I tell my kids (7, 9 &11) that they will be polite and respectful and if they happen to be smart and good looking that’s a good bonus. Polite and respectful will get them WAY farther than pretty or smart.

I absolutely love it when we’re at a family gathering and their cousins are throwing food, talking back and being sassy all while standing on their chairs instead of eating and my kids say “Dad, why are they doing that?!” Yup. I look at Mama Bear with a look of “See what being a little tough on them gets us!!” She rolls her eyes and nods begrudgingly. She’s a wonderful woman and a great mother but is way more of a participation trophy kind of parent than I am. Results speak, thank you for trying but let’s see what we can do better for next time.

Stihl Potlicker

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Mar 24, 2018
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I have many things to say regarding that and IN A GOOD WAY! I like to joke around and will comment later. Right now I have a flywheel and crank that need prepped for the machine shop Tuesday.
I grew up joking around, I do have a tendency to tease too hard. my wife has brought that to my attention. I am have broad shoulders I can handle it lol. My wife had to get thick skinned quick after we started dating lol. we was married and over at my rents with our 3 month old son, and my dad was teasing my wife, and my mom said, "Rod stop being mean to Barb!" Barbs response was, "oh its fine you have to have thick skin in this family, I have thick skin like a rhino" My youngest brother without missing a beat, " and hips like one too!" Now you could have heard a gnat fart it was sooo quiet lol. everyone's eyes as big as saucers and it was at that moment when my younger brother knew he effed up🤣. All eyes on the wife and our brains racing on how are we going to reply to calm her down!, she turns toward and said, " yes they are you could say that, I guess I walked into that one didn't I?" So yes it is hard to convey over txt or forums if someone is teasing, but growing up in the camp of if you can't take it don't dish it out. their was only one time in my life that I almost got in a fight with someone trying to tease me, I wouldn't tell my boss what was said, because he wanted to fire Him. but the one and only time was just after I watched my buddy drown, guy asked me why I pushed him in. So @Bill G I guess what I am trying to say is, I look forward to your teasing and I don't let posts bother me, I used to be a big pot stirrer on bookface.

Stihl Potlicker

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Mar 24, 2018
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I tell my kids (7, 9 &11) that they will be polite and respectful and if they happen to be smart and good looking that’s a good bonus. Polite and respectful will get them WAY farther than pretty or smart.

I absolutely love it when we’re at a family gathering and their cousins are throwing food, talking back and being sassy all while standing on their chairs instead of eating and my kids say “Dad, why are they doing that?!” Yup. I look at Mama Bear with a look of “See what being a little tough on them gets us!!” She rolls her eyes and nods begrudgingly. She’s a wonderful woman and a great mother but is way more of a participation trophy kind of parent than I am. Results speak, thank you for trying but let’s see what we can do better for next time.
yup, plus I feel like they are the only kids their age (13, 9 and twin 6 yo) that don't have cellphones. lol

Al Smith

Here For The Long Haul!
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Jan 14, 2016
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In conversation regarding hedge rows and multiflora rose a name popped up I had forgotten about, Louis Bromfield .One time writer and later conservationist .Founded Malibar Farm near Mansfield Ohio .His belief was nothing leaves the farm that can't walk off .Due to his influence that's where the rose fences came from .That thought lasted about 50 years and since then most of them have been bull dozed down by now .I don't think he could take credit for hedge rows though .
In the natural world the nut bearing trees get planted by squirrels .Others get propigated by the wind .Viney things get planted by the birds and I only assumed they plant the roses also . At any rate I have some in that 5 acres I bought a few years back .I don't have any osage orange but I did have on the other side of the county I owned in a former life with a former wife .
The roses themselves have no commercial value .However the hardy root stock from same is often used for hybrid roses by grafting other variaties to the roots . Those I have a few Talk about thorns ,they have them .

Bill G

Here For The Long Haul!
Yearly GoldMember
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Mar 14, 2017
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No digs here - if we could swing it, my wife would quit her career at Mayo and be a stay at home mom in a heartbeat. But she’s the steady source of income and the benefits breadwinner. She’s fortunate enough to stay at home with our boys roughly 3 days a week. I wish I could tell her to quit, but my work is too inconsistent with pay to risk it. Feast or famine with logging…
I understand that. The benefits (insurance) is a huge issue. For 6 years I worked with an older lady at a school. She was our copy room guru. She was as good as gold but the district pooped on her. For years all copies were made by her instead of teachers. Well the idiot superintendent decided that was a waste of money and teachers would have to make their own copies. What that meant is a bunch of fudged up mistakes, wasted materials, and teachers leaving the machine jammed. Well I was pissed because Lila was a great woman and they did not pay her enough as it was. She was truly just earning enough to cover insurance for herself and husband who was in poor health. When they eliminated her copy room job she was able to transfer to a classroom aide position so she at least kept the small amount of income. At the time I was the FFA advisor and our chapter along with one to the north co-sponsored a large 2 day rodeo during the summer. We were paying a hefty fee to a local publishing company to print our programs and materials. I came up with a plan to help Lila out a bit. Since she did not work at the school during the summer her income was ziltch but she still had to pay her insurance. I told the superintendent that I wanted Lila to do all of our FFA printing during the summer. I told him I was not qualified to operate the copier to do all the color changes and graphics and I needed her. Plus I did not have time. He agreed to let her work about a week in early July printing out stuff. It was not much but it helped her out a little bit


Flabs of Stihl
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Jan 26, 2024
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yup, plus I feel like they are the only kids their age (13, 9 and twin 6 yo) that don't have cellphones. lol
My kids have all asked for cell phones and our response is “we’ll get you a phone when it’s more convenient for Mom and Dad for you to have one”. A few months ago we got our 11yr old an Apple Watch that is cell capable but she’s using it on WiFi only so far. They’ll all be home all summer and we wanted them to have a way to communicate with us if need be. I’m not far away doing farm stuff and having the peace of mind knowing they can contact if needed is nice.

WTF does an 11yr old need a full blown phone for anyway ? I’m sure I could survive without mine but it sure is convenient being able to look up weather and markets and stuff on a whim. The phone part I can do without though lol. Leave me alone and I’ll be way happier 😂

This is the stuff I did when I was 11. I can’t tell you how happy it makes me that the kids want to help on the farm !!

Climbing feed bins and such.

Doing kid things climbing on everything !! Way better than watching TV or screwing around on a phone.
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full chizel

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My kids spent a lot of time with their grandparents (including holidays) because my wife and i work a lot. Now that they’re 14 and 12 they’re home by themselves for a few hours after school. Call it bad parenting or whatever but they’ve learned responsibility and can take care of themselves. They both have Iphones


Super OPE Member
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Another one of the wacky ideas some had for permanent fence was planting multiflora rose. Wow what an epic blunder that was. It spread everywhere and was quite invasive. It ruined many pastures. Thank the Lord for good chemicals
It was supposed to work as guardrail. Apparently when planted as a hedge it would stop a vehicle without doing major damage. We have it all over our place. Thankfully our goats think it's candy. They have super flexible lips, so they can pull the leaves off without getting pricked. If they are put into a fresh pasture with excellent clover, forbes, and some multiflora rose, they will race to the multiflora rose and eat till it's gone.

I love how this thread has changed since it started. I wonder how long it will take to get to 1K pages.


462’s 4-LIFE
Yearly GoldMember
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Feb 4, 2017
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Winona County, MN
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I understand that. The benefits (insurance) is a huge issue. For 6 years I worked with an older lady at a school. She was our copy room guru. She was as good as gold but the district pooped on her. For years all copies were made by her instead of teachers. Well the idiot superintendent decided that was a waste of money and teachers would have to make their own copies. What that meant is a bunch of fudged up mistakes, wasted materials, and teachers leaving the machine jammed. Well I was pissed because Lila was a great woman and they did not pay her enough as it was. She was truly just earning enough to cover insurance for herself and husband who was in poor health. When they eliminated her copy room job she was able to transfer to a classroom aide position so she at least kept the small amount of income. At the time I was the FFA advisor and our chapter along with one to the north co-sponsored a large 2 day rodeo during the summer. We were paying a hefty fee to a local publishing company to print our programs and materials. I came up with a plan to help Lila out a bit. Since she did not work at the school during the summer her income was ziltch but she still had to pay her insurance. I told the superintendent that I wanted Lila to do all of our FFA printing during the summer. I told him I was not qualified to operate the copier to do all the color changes and graphics and I needed her. Plus I did not have time. He agreed to let her work about a week in early July printing out stuff. It was not much but it helped her out a little bit
That was good thinking to help her out while also keeping her dignity.