Hell, just about anything of quality has gone up in price a lot. A lot of people hate on Taurus for semi-copying S&W and for using MIM manufacturing (like Ruger) but when I bought my model 608 (8-shot .357) it felt good and the price was a good $350 or more cheaper than a S&W 686. 200+ yard shots on a 1.5'w x 5.5' tall steel pipe is pretty doable free-hand. That freaks out those who've never seen a revolver shot at distance... Now, I do intend to buy either a 5-6" 686 or a 5-6" GP100 (and then do an action job) to have a nice revolver, but my Taurus has been carried countless miles on foot and horse around friends ranches, has the "patina" to prove it, and will not be inherited before I'm either gone, or physically/mentally unsound to use it any longer. Now I did help Dad buy a used (98% condition) 6" blued Python, as he always wanted one since they were invented, but had never had the $$$ to justify it. Watching Him take possession of that weapon with a kid in a candy store look was worth the trade of a good revolver of mine was definitely worth it. He's helped me more through the years than I have a right to and been a better dad to many of my friends, than their own fathers were/are. It wasn't much, but it was something.
On a different note, if a person wasn't quite up to spending the money on a Dillon (unless I find a nice used one in my budget) what would be the best of the alternative brands in a progressive press?