Howdy, men.
Well, we settled in the Shenandoah Valley of Virginia. We bought a nice (not so) little place in Staunton, right on the side of Mary Gray Hill, which is what I believe they call a "monadnock." The deer visit us daily, and they have what is called "urban archery" here, the season starting a month from tomorrow. I bought a cross bow with a little crank winder for my beat up wrists. Nancy is following her dream career change, working as a court advocate for a local DV support agency. Emerson is 9, and has become an expert bicycle rider, and he found Jesus last year, got baptized last week. Me, I'm climbing trees, managing our tiny stand of chestnut oaks, building a pole outbuilding, singing in the church band, and trying to age as gracefully as I can. We're actually doing OK. Sorry to be out of touch so long. Hope each and every one of y'all is doing well.
We're right near the Lee-Jackson highway, which is pretty cool...
Oh, one more thing. I learned an expensive lesson last month. The GM standard Eaton autolock differential requires oil changes every 40-50K miles. I spent about $3K in tuition to gain that knowledge, so I want to share. I always figured diff oil was good for 100K.
I will say that it is a very good diff, because when I back up our 20˚ slope driveway, the lock engages without me even knowing it, unless I spin it a bit, which gives me two equal-sized black patches, rather than one like my buddy's truck I borrowed when mine went in the shop. It barely got up it on a dry day. Take care.