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Another chainsaw dyno...


O.P.E.f.o.r.u.m. Mutt
Local time
1:26 AM
User ID
Apr 1, 2016
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Can you imagine actually getting sore from what people say on the internet...:lol::lol::lol:
Can you imagine a world where many are so fragile that others have to protect their feelings? Sadly, that's the world we're living in.

I'll never give up the hope that someday we can cherish the 1st Amendment again. There's a reason why it's first. Without the ability to speak freely and honestly, we are not free.

I would fight for your right to speak freely even if what you say offends someone. But I would also fight for Mike's right to say he is offended by your statements. He has the right to be offended. That's how it's supposed to work.

The Constitution is a set of protections for all of us...if we would just follow it. Hopefully I don't get threatened by Woody for saying "inflammatory" things. The truth can sometimes be inflammatory but it's the truth nonetheless.

Have a good one Bro.

jacob j.

Lord of Cargo Pants
Local time
12:26 AM
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Dec 24, 2015
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Coastal Oregon
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If you ever call me retarded again I'm gonna post about it.

No boat party and no titties for you.

I despise you.

John has a vintage Starsky & Hutch pinball machine in his new shop, which means he already has all the titty he can handle.


Mastermind Approved!
Local time
3:26 AM
User ID
Jan 20, 2016
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Can you imagine a world where many are so fragile that others have to protect their feelings? Sadly, that's the world we're living in.

I'll never give up the hope that someday we can cherish the 1st Amendment again. There's a reason why it's first. Without the ability to speak freely and honestly, we are not free.

I would fight for your right to speak freely even if what you say offends someone. But I would also fight for Mike's right to say he is offended by your statements. He has the right to be offended. That's how it's supposed to work.

The Constitution is a set of protections for all of us...if we would just follow it. Hopefully I don't get threatened by Woody for saying "inflammatory" things. The truth can sometimes be inflammatory but it's the truth nonetheless.

Have a good one Bro.

You are absolutely correct. People are more emotionally weak than they've ever been, you just saw proof.

It's only gonna get worse.


Mastermind Approved!
Local time
3:26 AM
User ID
Jan 20, 2016
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John has a vintage Starsky & Hutch pinball machine in his new shop, which means he already has all the titty he can handle.

I'm tired of his remarks about my needs and comments about my teeth.

Clark is actually my homie...I kinda like the guy just the way he is, if you give that m'fer a rake and tell him to clean up a football field he wouldn't stop until he was done, he's actually an asset to anyone he works for...

But those glasses and velcro shoes...:lol::lol::lol:...he knows it's all love..


Here For The Long Haul!
Local time
3:26 AM
User ID
Feb 6, 2016
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Roscommon, MI
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Can you imagine a world where many are so fragile that others have to protect their feelings? Sadly, that's the world we're living in.

I'll never give up the hope that someday we can cherish the 1st Amendment again. There's a reason why it's first. Without the ability to speak freely and honestly, we are not free.

I would fight for your right to speak freely even if what you say offends someone. But I would also fight for Mike's right to say he is offended by your statements. He has the right to be offended. That's how it's supposed to work.

The Constitution is a set of protections for all of us...if we would just follow it. Hopefully I don't get threatened by Woody for saying "inflammatory" things. The truth can sometimes be inflammatory but it's the truth nonetheless.

Have a good one Bro.
I agree with you, but 1st amendment is supposed to only protect your speech between you and our government. Freedom of speech does not apply at work or between two people. Just look at all the 4 letter word calling and name calling that goes on here. That's why people can be held responsible for slander. Watch what will be coming my way.


Mastermind Approved!
Local time
3:26 AM
User ID
Jan 20, 2016
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What is the best way to get sawdust off my socks before I throw them in the washing machine?

Speaking of...

This lady we did tree work for makes these socks to wear when you have shorts on that keeps the sawdust out of your boots in the summer. We always tell her to patent those m'fers and sell them...if you want a pair let me know. Kinda hard to describe..but they fold down over your boots but still stay up on your leg.


O.P.E.f.o.r.u.m. Mutt
Local time
1:26 AM
User ID
Apr 1, 2016
Reaction score
I agree with you, but 1st amendment is supposed to only protect your speech between you and our government. Freedom of speech does not apply at work or between two people. Just look at all the 4 letter word calling and name calling that goes on here. That's why people can be held responsible for slander. Watch what will be coming my way.
Not true. Slander is when you knowingly say something false about someone with the intent to harm (personally, financially, etc.).

1A is not limited to just government. Yes, you may say something truthful at work and it gets you fired. But there are legal remedies for that. Your Constitutional Rights don't end at your employers doorstep.

As far as person to person, you are protected to say anything you like so long as it's the truth. If you say false things to purposely and maliciously hurt someone, you could be sued for slander.

SOS Ridgerider

Muffler Modded Member
Staff member
Local time
3:26 AM
User ID
Apr 30, 2016
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Central CT
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We need to respect that others are not like us, and don’t have the same opinions and feelings we do. With that I mean use the damn ignore button if a members’ words or opinions offend you that much. It seems everyone feel they need to comment on everything nowadays, and we’re all expected to respect that they’re offended. That’ll never happen. Ever.
There’s something called taking the high road, even if that only exists in your own head. Use that high road to ignore and leave, what you feel, is an offensive post alone.
Or report it if you feel there’s a need, but don’t expect much sympathy if all it is is a crybaby report.

Here’s a news flash for some: Nobody really cares about your feelings. An opinion is usually at least based on something tangible, and can be respected even if it differs from your own. A feeling is purely emotional, and we can’t expect anyone else to understand that.

FFS, none of us are special, or deserve special treatment.
Leave your feelings at home when going on the internet. That’s probably the best advice I can give.

I expect this to be the last post about anything not related to the chainsaw dyno.