I have a gx390 clone that continues to challenge me. The carb float was sticking down, and it was running rich and pumping gas into the sump (electric fuel pump, on when key is on)
After several failed float fix attempts, I replaced the carb with another cheapo (its a clone engine after all !)
Even after, it was still running rich and carboning up the plug. Put a new NGK BPR6ES and it ran great for about 4 weeks then quit again. Plug black and carboned up again. Another new plug and running again.
It looks like this new carb has an adjustable high jet so I will try leaning it up a touch, but I am embarrassed to say that despite have tuned dozens of 2 strokes, I don’t know how to tune a simple float carb 4 stroke that has to run properly everywhere between idle and pedal-to-the-metal.
Any pointers to get me started? Or do I just keep turning the jet in a 1/8 turn at a time until it seems to run well at full load?