My ban is up

I like the new signature Woodpecker lol. Joking aside, hindsight is 20:20 and the rude comments were unnecessary of me - I wanted to publicly apologise (rather than just pm you) and say I am sorry for any offence
@Woodpecker , and honestly, I’m a little embarrassed. I guess we all say or do stupid things some times and this was one of them for me. I’m not proud of it.
Yep I have a lot to learn, probably saying less and listening more is a good start. To those who don’t like me, I don’t really blame you, I can be a pain / annoying sometimes, over enthusiastic, try and help where I maybe shouldn’t and say the occasional stupid thing that I later regret (and try to delete!!) but it’s something I’m working on.
I don’t like how I behaved here, or on arb-site afterwards.
No excuses, it was childish and I apologise, it won’t happen again.