Had a landscaper bring in his TTS481KA363 today, said it wasn't firing on the number one cylinder and wanted a right now estimate. Hooked up spark tester and the coil was firing but No.1 was dead, told him I suspected a burned valve, $650.00 to do a valve job on both sides (told him I really didn't like doing just one side) and that it would take about a week (parts, trip back and forth to the machine shop, tear down, cleaning, reassembly, etc...) He said go ahead as quick as you can. I get it in the shop and pull the No.1 valve cover and the push rods FALL OUT!!!! Both rocker arm pedestals were loose. I removed the bolts, sprayed carb cleaner in the holes and blew out with air, reinstalled the bolts with loctite, checked the push rods to make sure that they were not bent, reinstalled the push rods and rocker arms, adjusted the valves and reinstalled the valve cover, checked and topped off the oil (was changed VERY recently, huummm) and it fired on the first pull and ran like a song bird. Called him roughly an hour after he left, said it was fixed and ready for pickup, total was $112.00 He comes and loads it up and tells me it had been in a competing dealers shop for two weeks, they charged him $1,000.00 and it wasn't right when he picked it up. When I asked him how come he didn't bring it to me in the first place he said "You guys are too good, my stuff gets fixed right, the first time, for a more than fair price. If I came to you all the time I wouldn't have enough to write off on my taxes so I go to the other people to spend some money and bring it here when I need it fixed right." I almost fell over!!!