I got the 555 running late yesterday.The muffler was totally shot.I had another muffler here that I picked up when they were cheap a few yrs.ago.It's a 10-10 muffler,but it was the same size & fitment as the original muffler.Surprisingly the gasket was still there & I had the missing bolt.After I got it back together I fueled it up & 15 pulls later it fired up.It runs like a top & oils well too! Pics to come.
On the other hand....the PM5700 is biting me in the butt.The recoil got locked up while trying to start it.I took it off today & retensioned it & now it works fine.I pulled the carb off & put a new kit in it to no avail.I pulled the carb back off & lowered the metering lever a tad & then it held pressure better.I noticed the carb mounting gasket had a slight tear by the ear.It should've been OK,but to err on the side of caution,I put another gasket on & it still won't pull fuel.I'll try another carb & if it still won't fire I'd have to assume there's an intake issue.The saw has 180 psi.& it fires on a prime.
You might have something there Al.As it was I had to trim the line at the end where the filter goes on as it fell off.I didn't like the way the line hooked onto the carb either.I'll just replacer the entire fuel line & eliminate that from the equation.Sometimes the easy things are the simplest fix.As a suggestion pull the fuel line out and inspect for cracks inside the gas tank .It happens every so often and all it will do is suck air .I've had this happen on several saws not only McCullochs
Al,if the carb is sucking air through the hi needle,will that cause it to act like it's starving for fuel? (which is why I had to turn the lo needle out so much,kinda makes sense) I can use this carb for parts & put another carb on to see if it'll run better.Old trick on that carb .On the wallered out jet hole take a little ball from a bearing or a center punch and tap it in the hole with a little hammer .Tap now not like driving a 16 D nail .It will deform the threads which might work or might not .You might try a single wrap of fuel proof teflon tape . Perhaps some number 2 permatex because it might be sucking air through the threads .
Back a couple pages ago I wrote about a PM55 cylinder that I have with a wallowed out plug hole.Everyone here said to go get a Save-A -Thread kit & use that.Today I went to Advance Auto & found the kit & just as I suspected it won't work.The insert falls into the hole & it falls back out.Trying to JB Weld it into the cylinder is a complete waste of time.I called a friend of mine who works in a small engine repair shop & he told me about a product called Keen Sert.I found the info online,but can't find out where to buy it here in the U.S.Also,I couldn't find the correct size needed.
Back a couple pages ago I wrote about a PM55 cylinder that I have with a wallowed out plug hole.Everyone here said to go get a Save-A -Thread kit & use that.Today I went to Advance Auto & found the kit & just as I suspected it won't work.The insert falls into the hole & it falls back out.Trying to JB Weld it into the cylinder is a complete waste of time.I called a friend of mine who works in a small engine repair shop & he told me about a product called Keen Sert.I found the info online,but can't find out where to buy it here in the U.S.Also,I couldn't find the correct size needed.
Rather than a loose plug,it was more likely wallowed out from being cross threaded repeatedly.I've never seen a plug fall into a plug hole & fall back out again just like the inserts do.I've come to the conclusion that there's no saving the cylinder - it's junk.Ya win some,ya lose some.I can use the internals though on my PM555.These are like a keensert and as you can see, the only real difference is the locking pins that drive in once installed. If you did get an insert like the ones suggested before the keensert style won't be any better. It only requires about .03 inches larger hole.
Rather than a loose plug,it was more likely wallowed out from being cross threaded repeatedly.I've never seen a plug fall into a plug hole & fall back out again just like the inserts do.I've come to the conclusion that there's no saving the cylinder - it's junk.Ya win some,ya lose some.I can use the internals though on my PM555.
Al,sometimes I just don't know when to quit,Lol.I was going to suggest that saw would be relegated to a parts box but it's not my saw .