Pinnacle OPE Member
There was an auction in NW MO last week that sold 300 large round bales,Dad said the avg price was $148 bale.
There was an auction in NW MO last week that sold 300 large round bales,Dad said the avg price was $148 bale.
There was an auction in NW MO last week that sold 300 large round bales,Dad said the avg price was $148 bale.
Big late cut grass bales up this way sold for $128 2 weeks ago. Brother in law buys a lot of hay and said that stuff was some of the worst stuff he had ever seen!
Hell nobody can make money even close to that price. I have been feeding silage all season and I HOPE to break even!
I believe there was a variety. Sale bill said selling in lots of 10-30 bales.Grass?
I’d go 5 personally. It’s a bigger bale is my only reasoning.
Nah. I’m a new holland hay guy. Mines old.You have a brand and model we should look at?
My father in law asked me today what i would buy if i had to by a new round baler today. I told him vermeer. Never touched one but i hear good things and they just look well built. We have a hesston 540 now that will make 1 good bale about every 5. Wont feed the chamber consistent. We but all new belts in it and a bunch of other work on the pickup and what not. Just not doing what it should do and he is done with it.
Hard to beat a NH 847/848. That’s what my grandpa and we’re running now. On one we put new chains, 35 bars, and a lot of new parts in last year. I don’t care for electric tie but it does work pretty good. I liked the hydraulic tie on the other one before we got this newer one with air bags.