Somewhere around here I had a Stihl sales book that pictured the 55 gallon drums of mix oil. I was always amazed by itThey were out but gave me a raincheck...for 40
I know.With all due respect, I have to ask who in the hell is this "Dall" or "Dalas" character I keep hearing about? I have been here since March 2017 but was just hit and miss for years. I just got more active here after another site went "woke" and told me to pound salt. Since I have been here I hear a lot about "Dall" and "Dalas" but I am clueless.
Seriously what the hell does your post mean? You quoted me and made a post that makes no sense. WTFI know.But I live further away
Now that's a mower. Been running a old 2003 48 inch tiger cub since......well 2003. 1800 hours strong. You won't need to buy another mower for a very very long time. Great investment!View attachment 431594
Went from 3.5 hours of cutting grass with a Sears Craftsman 42” with a 20hp twin cylinder Kohler motor, down to under an hour (including hosing off the entire machine, underdeck too) all put away.View attachment 431595
It is funny you say raincheck. A couple weeks back I was going into the lumberyard and looking at the new sale ad that had just came out. They had 5 packs of electrical tape on sale. Yes, cheap arse tape chicom but for what I wanted it for it was fine. You could get a 5 pack of black or a 5 pack in 5 different colors. I wanted a few packs of the multi-colors as I use them for temporary labeling of wires. Well the sale had just started but the shelf was empty. I talked to a older gentleman probably in his mid 60's and he said he would ask his manager. The manager was probably 23 or so. He was playing on his phone thinga-ma-bobby and said well it says we have 22. I said great where are they. Of course he has no idea. By this time the older gentleman is off helping others. I just figure I will come back the next week. I come back the next week and still no tape. By now the sale will end before I get back there. Of course a few pennies of savings is not that important but principle is. I look around for the older guy as I know he will know what a raincheck is but he is not working. All I see is young folks. Now I like young folks too but does anyone really think they will know what a raincheck is. I could have reserved it online but then they charge $1.40 per item convivence fee.They were out but gave me a raincheck...for 40
A bit too big for a chainsawView attachment 432184
My favorite sized fuel jug 3 gallons
Fills my streetbike,atv, generator and tractor all have 3 gallon tanks
These are 94.00 shipped for 4
Only white and blue in stock.View attachment 432185View attachment 432186
Neat little mini driver set only 6.00 shipped.
Little saws are underrated.1st new saw for a long time I went with the big gun lol
Me old ms170 is well over a decade old though I better grab a replacement in case it craps it. I use em a lot no complaints with the old model.
Hope this replacement is as good 1st thing I'll do is dump the rubbish fuel and upgrade it to 3/8 low pro from the picco. The filter setup seems a lot better for those that worry about that type thing.
On paper the ms172 is a better buy than the ms162.
View attachment 432170
15 boxes and 2 boxes of underlaymentLumber liquidators is going out of business i bought 10 boxes of 30 years waterproof laminate made in Austria
For .87 a square View attachment 432193